Chapter 10 (rescue)

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Me: Hi  I'm back!

Phantom: Hey. I thought you were going to update yesterday.

Me: well I was but I had to pack for my trip to Alabama and I'm writing this on a plane at...* looks at clock on phone* 5:57 in the morning after being shaken awake at 2:30, and I'm tired.

Phantom: oh least you're determined.

Me: yeah I guess. Also I don't want to make everyone wait after that last short chapter.

Phantom: ok. Well, Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or any of its characters.

Me: Y'all know that.

Phantom: 'Y'all'?

Me: Don't judge me! ON WITH THE STORY!


'Where is he?' Sam thought, her mind frantic with worry. It's been an hour since they first woke up and there was still no sign of Danny.

"Where could he be Tucker?" Sam said death gripping his shoulders and getting in his face.

"I don't know Sam. But you need to calm down. Wherever he is he'll be fine." Tucker said attempting to cam the the frantic girl, and pry her hands from his shoulders.

Then the doors opened and Walker strolled in like he owned the place (Tucker: That's because he does. Me: Shut up! ...And stop interrupting the story! Anyway...), dropped something, and then walked out as if nothing had happened.

"Danny!" Sam and Tucker yelled running over to their friend.

He looked horrible. Clothes ripped, hair disheveled, and various injuries.

"Quick! Tucker, get the medical supplies out of my bag!" Sam yelled.

Tucker rushed over to their bags and got a med kit out of Sam's bag and an extra out of Danny's, that he somehow got stuck with as well as his own.

He ran back over and handed Sam the kits.

As Sam finished working Danny began to stir.

"Ow. Did someone get the number of the Freight Train that hit me?" Danny asked sitting up.

"Danny! Thank gosh you're ok!" Sam said sighing in relief.

"Yeah. Dude what happened?" Tucker asked.

Danny looked down at the floor, "Walker...he...he made me face some of my fears for an hour. And they just so happened to be some of the worse ones."

Sam and Tucker just sat there in silence. Understanding that Danny had just been through a lot in that last hour.

The rest of the group, however, were confused. What fears could Danny have that would result in that much pain and injury?

"Mr. Fenton," Mr. Lancer said, causing the trio to turn and remember that there were others in the room, "are you going to be alright?" he asked. 'If Danny wants to tell us why his fears are what they are, or what they are, then he can when he wants.' He thought to himself.

"Um...yeah, I'll be fine." Danny said. He had been expecting Mr. Lancer to ask about what his fears were, not if he was going to be okay.

"Alright, if you say so." Mr. Lancer said. Then everyone split into their groups

Danny when to get some thing to eat from his bag, when a hand snatched it away. Danny looked up to see a guard with his, Sam, and Tucker's bags.

"Walker says that having these," he lifted the bags a little, "is against the rules." and then he left.

Danny sighed and sat down. When he heard a beeping noise coming from his pocket, being in a small room this got everyone's attention.

Danny dug through his pocket and pulled out the Fenton Phones. Putting them on, he answered.


"Hello again Hunter!" Phantom said joyfully on the opposite end.

"Phantom, I need your help." Danny said shocking the group, excluding Sam and Tucker, that Phantom has just called Danny.

"What is it Hunter?" Phantom said, still using the nickname he had given Danny.

"I need you to get my class and me out of Walker's jail." Danny said.

"..." there was silence on the other end.

"Phantom?" Danny asked, wondering why the ghost had gone silent.

"...I'll be there in a minute." Phantom said, his voice turning serious.

"No, wait! That's not-" Danny began but Phantom had ended the call.

A minute later the group heard alarms blaring and saw red lights flashing.

"That him?" Sam and Tucker asked.

Danny sighed, "Yup."

Just then their cell door burst open, and standing in the doorway was Phantom.

He wore a black shit and jeans with a white vest, two white crisscrossing belts, fingerless gloves- one white and one black, and a white cape with a hood and a green 'DP' clasp in the front that held the two pieces together. On his feet were black steal toed combat boots. The ring of rage on his ring finger and the crown of fire sitting atop his pearl white hair (I did it in the 2nd chapter with Danny. I had to do it now with Phantom.).

"What are you all waiting for?" Phantom asked grinning, "Let's go!"

And with that he ran off the group of students and adults not far behind.


Me: Done! Ugh tired. Why did I have to get up at 2:30?

Phantom: So you could make your flight?

Me: I know but I also didn't fall asleep till 11:30.

Phantom: Well that's your fault.

Me: Curse me not being able to fall asleep fast enough!

Phantom: Well...umm...ok?

Me: Again, don't judge me! Well that's all for now. It's a longer chapter for you people. What did you think? Until next time, bye!

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