Chapter 4 (Waking Up)

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Me: Hi I'm back


Me: *flinches and then sighs* Yeah I know. I'm not going to meet my original hope for an update a day am I?

Sam: No I do not believe you are.

Me: *sigh* Darn it. Will you do the disclaimer?

Sam: Alright. Waves-Of-Fury does not, and never will, own Danny Phantom.

Me: Thanks Sam (note the sarcasm)

Sam: No problem

Me: *rolls eyes* Anyway ON WITH THE STORY!


Mr. Lancer was the first one to wake up after the speeder crashed. He woke up to see that his students, along with the Fenton parents, were slowly beginning to come around

~Short skip of times~

Once every one was awake and checked for injuries, Sam and Tucker went over to see that Danny was still asleep.

"It's your turn to wake him up." Sam said to Tucker.

Tucker turned to her with fear in his eyes, "No way! Besides it's not my turn, it's yours." he retorted.

"No it's not, and besides you know that Phantom is the only one who can wake him up without being judo-flipped or something." Sam said.

By this time, although no one heard what they said, the entire group was watching the exchange between the two teens.

Dash, being the impatient, insensitive jerk he is, stood up and marched over to the arguing duo.

"-said it yourself and I, personally, would rather not have that happen to me, thank you very much." Tucker said before they noticed Dash stomping over, and the class, plus Fenton parents, watching them.

"What are you arguing about?" Dash demanded.

"Who should wake Up Danny." Tucker said simply, getting a smack upside the head from Sam.

Dash gave a small snort, "If you two losers are too chicken to wake him then I'll do it."

"Be my guest." Tucker said sarcastically, earning another smack upside the head from Sam.

Dash bent down to shake Danny awake, but before his hand made contact with the younger boy's body, Danny's hand shot up, grabbed Dash's wrist, judo-flipped him, slammed his face into the ground and put his foot down on his back, effectively hold him down and keeping the older boy from getting up.

Then, as if coming out of a trance, Danny realized who he had pined down and released Dash allowing the quarterback to stand up.

"Sorry." Danny mumbled as he offered his hand to help Dash up as an apology, although if he was being honest he was only half sorry since he had gotten somewhat payback for all the times Dash had shoved him into his locker.

Dash just scoffed, he swatted Danny's hand away, pushed himself up and stormed off.

Both he and the rest of the group were left wondering what had just happened.


Me: There. Done!

Tucker: *rubbing the back of his head* Ow. Did Sam have to hit me twice?

Sam: Yes, yes I did.

Tucker: Why?

Sam and Me: Because you were being stupid.

Tucker: Meanies

Sam: You'll be fine.

Me: Yeah. Anyway there's the next chapter sorry it took a little bit. What did you think? Well until next time, Bye!

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