Chapter 12 (The Ride and The Arival)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back again with another chapter!

Phantom: Why are you talking like that?

Me: I don't know. I'm just weird like that.

Everyone: We know.

Me: *mumbles incoherent things*.

Phantom: Who's the picture of?

Me: My OC. She will be in this chapter. WELL not technically my OC, but a character a made up and decided to put in here. You'll see why.

Phantom: Ok then.

Me: Shall the disclamer be done be thee or shall I do it?

Phantom: Umm... I'll do it.

Me: Then proceed.

Phantom: O-K then. Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or its characters.

Me: But I do own Sky!

Phantom: Who's-



~ In the class carriage ~

Somehow even with the small and limited space the carriage provided, the class still managed to split into small groups. Mr. Lancer had opted to sit alone leaving the Fenton parents to themselves.

~ with the Fenton parents ~

"Have you noticed the way that ghost has been acting around our son?" Jack asked his wife, spitting the word 'ghost' as if it were poison.

"And those looks it gives him? That ghost scum is getting way too close to my baby boy. Danny shouldn't be around such filth." Maddie said refusing to use Phantom's name. "We need to keep a close eye on it. " She added, motioning discretely to the ectogun hidden in her belt pocket.

Jack nodded solemnly. The two rode the rest of the way in silence.

~ with the outcast group ~

Valerie sat a little ways away from her "group" deep in thought.

"Hey Val, whatcha thinkin' about?" Skyler "Sky" Dark asked.

Sky was Valerie's friend that she made soon after adopting the "outcast" status. Sky had short blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She wore a navy blue one piece outfit with a hood and brick like design, black boots that went to her thighs, black gloves that went just past her elbows covering all her fingers except her pointer and pinky finger. Around her neck was a navy blue band and her ever present black headphones. (I'm describing the picture up top because that is basically how I made her up except with a different outfit.)

"Hey Sky. Just some things." Valerie answered.

"Is it work stuff ?" Sky asked, her voice just above a whisper. She knew that Valerie was the Red Huntress and Valerie knew that she was a Hybrid (This shall be elaborated on later, basically all you need to know right now is that it means that she can control the elements-earth, water, fire, and air). She wore the gloves to hide the tattoo that identified her as such, and she designed the band around her neck to create an illusion that her hair was blonde instead of its natural neon green.

"No." Valerie answered off handedly.

"Then what is it? You do know that you can trust me, right?" Sky asked as she scooted closer to her friend.

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