Chapter 16 (The first game pt 1)

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Me: Hey-o! Yup it's late but Phantom is doubting my ability to update quickly so I am proving him wrong and showing I can update quickly.

Phantom: If you can then why do you usually take so long?

Me: Because my family pulls me to do other things and I have a lot of trips and stuff over the summer. So time issues. Also sometimes writers block poles it's nose where it doesn't belong and won't let me think of anything to write.

Phantom: Oh well, you should get writing.

Me: Yes, yes I should. *in dramatic voice/style* Disclaimer please!

Phantom: Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or its characters. Now go write.

Me: ok ok geez. I do own Sky. ON WITH THE STORY!



"Welcome to the game! As you have probably already figured out I have split your class in two." Freakshow said, "But what you don't know is that you have just stumbled upon your first game. Have fun and good luck! AHAHAHA!"

The screen disappeared and walls shot up from the ground separating the small group.

It was dark inside the small rooms and Danny, Phantom, Dash, Paulina, Valerie, Sky, Kwan, and Star could all feel themselves being moved into a much larger space.

When the lights came on the game was revealed to be...


A dating game show.

"A game show?" Valerie questioned.

"A dating game show?" Sky questioned. "At least we're in the audience." A fact about Sky, she may be 14 but she has not interest in boys romantically, only in a friend sort of way.

Up on stage was Paulina sitting in a comfy looking pink chair. And off to her right were three curtains. Behind those curtains were Danny, Phantom, and Dash.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to 'Who's Your Match?'!" An announcer's voice boomed. "Today we have a few students from Casper High participating. Our first guest, she's the queen bee, the highest of the social ladder, the gem of Casper, Paulina Sanchez!" A spotlight turned on Paulina.

"Great more fuel for her already gigantic ego." Sam said.

"And now meet our bachelors! Bachelor number one, he is the male equivalent to this fine young lady, the top of the social latter, the dart quarterback, and resident bully, Dash Baxter!" The first curtain opened to reveal Dash sitting there smiling and waving. "Bachelor number two is the complete opposite, he is the lowest on the social latter, considered wimpy, the favorite punching bag of Mr. Baxter, and the secret ghost hunter, Shadow, Danny Fenton!" The second curtain opened to reveal a very confused Danny who then smiled sheepishly and waved awkwardly. "And last but not least bachelor number three, he's the king of the zone, the once infamous/ famous ghost hunter, And the strongest ghost I know of, Danny Phantom!" The third curtain opened to reveal a ticked looking Phantom who realized that he was now available to be seen and gave a small wave.

"Now let's begin!" The announcer's voice roared. "Ok, Paulina you get to ask three questions but we're going to mix up the order in which the guys are sitting in order not to be biased, since you know the order, and then put up a curtain. Are you ready?"

"Yes I am!" Paulina said excitedly.

"Ok the let's find out Who's. Your. Match!" The announcer said as they rearranged the stage.

"Ok my first question is, what is your idea of an ideal date?" Paulina asked.

The first one up was Danny, "umm... It would be a pic nick under the stars so after we're done eating we could sit together and look at the night sky." He answered thinking of one of the dates he and Phantom had been on. Plus he always enjoyed looking at the stars.

Next was Phantom, "Mine would be a romantic candlelit dinner for two at your favorite fancy restaurant and then afterwards walking back home together." He said, also thinking of a date he and Danny had been on.

And finally Dash, "I would invite you over and then we could watch a movie at my place cuddled up on the couch." He answered, shocking everyone, That is those who knew it was him, I mean who would have thought that Dash would say that.

"Ok next question, what were you like as a kid?" Paulina asked.

Danny, "I was always energetic and I have always wanted to go to space so I would study the stars and look at the sky a lot. I was mostly picked on at school and only had a few close friends."

Phantom, "I...uh...was technically never a kid."

'That's odd what do they men they were technically never a kid?' Paulina wondered.

Dash, "Basically the same as I am now."

"Ok final question, what kind of music are you into?" Paulina asked, she had heard somewhere that this shows the persons personality better (no clue if this is actually true don't quote me on it.)

Danny, "Mostly bands like Skillet or Twenty One Pilots."

Phantom, "Bands like Panic! At The Disco and Chainsmokers."

Dash, "Troy Sivan or Vinyl Theater."

"Ok now Paulina biassed on these three questions, who's your match? The bachelor with his head in the stars sweet funny guy for the new order bachelor number one? The bachelor who is the romantic but cool and fun guy the new order bachelor number two? Or will it be the stay at home cuddlier on the inside but tough on the outside new order bachelor number three?" The announcer's voice boomed.

"I order bachelor number three!" Paulina said.

The curtain dropped to reveal a happy looking Dash and on the other side a shocked Paulina. In the background you could hear some one yell 'I ship it!' In the distance.

"And that's the first round folks! Stay tuned for next time where we will have another contestant to match up!" The announcer boomed.

The the stage went dark and everyone was moved again.


Me: Done! Ha! I told you I could!

Phantom: Ok I believe you. Also who was the one yelling 'I ship it' at the end?

Me: It was Star. She had been shipping it for a while. Dice they started High School to be exact.

Phantom: Oh ok. *looks at time* ITS 2:41 IN THE MORNING!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO STAY UP SO LATE!

Me: It's not like I haven't stayed up later. Oh well I probably should get some sleep.

Phantom: Yeah you should. *yawns* I know I am. Night Fury.

Me: Night Phantom! Any way that's all for now. What did you think? Well until next time, bye!

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