Chapter 6 (complications)

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Me: Hi I'm back

Danny: Hey another update one day after the other!

Me: Yes! I'm so happy!

Danny: I'm sure the readers are too

Me: So will you do the disclaimer please?

Danny: Sure. Waves-Of-Fury does not, has not, and will not own Danny Phantom

Me: *sigh* nope, thanks Danny.

Danny: Your welcome



"My feet hurt! Danny can we stop and take a break?" Paulina complained.

"If your feet hurt then maybe you shouldn't have worn heals! And no we're not stopping." Sam answered before Danny got the chance to.

"I wasn't asking you, I asked Danny." Paulina snapped back.

Sam opened her mouth to argue back but Danny stopped her, "Paulina we can't stop right now. Can you last for about another mile?" Danny asked the popular pain.

Paulina huffed and crossed her arms, "I guess so."  she mumbled. Although she would never admit it, Paulina had developed a small crush on Danny. She had decided that if she couldn't have her ghost boy, which was never going to happen, then Danny was cute too.

They had been walking for about 4 miles since they had left their original islandusing the trail Johnny 13 has running through the Ghost Zone.

"Has it been a mile yet?" Paulina whined.

"If you don't start asking I sware I'll-" Sam began but Danny cut her off.

"Actually yes. Let's stop here and take a break." Danny said leading the group off to an island to the side of the trail.

"Ok I'll need all the bags in order to ration out the supplies." Danny said collecting the bags from the group.

"Everyone sit tight and we'll be around with the rationings soon." Tucker said as they went to work on rationing out supplies.

~15 minutes later~

Everyone had separated into their groups and ate their rationings and were now talking quietly amongst themselves =.

"Dude I don't know if this is a good thing, but there hasn't been one run-in with a ghost." Tucker said. Danny and Sam glared at him. "What?"

"Tuck you just jinxed us." Danny said, and as if to prove his point Danny's ghost sense went off.

"I told you." Danny said as he began looking around for the ghost.

"My Prince." came a voice from behind Danny.

"Gah!" Danny yelled in surprise causing the entire group to turn and see the Fright Knight standing in front of Danny. The Fenton parents were about to take action but what the Fright Knight said next shocked everyone.

"My apologies my Prince, but King Phantom has sent me to find you." Fright said.

"You can tell Phantom that, unless he wants to come here and pick us all up," Danny gestured to the rest of the group, "then he'll have to wait another 4 days. Give or take a few days."

"Very well Prince Daniel, I shall tell him." Fright said before he took off.

Danny sighed and turned around to see the shocked and confused faces of the group.

"Umm...hi?" Danny said with a small nervous wave.

"Daniel what did he mean by 'Prince'?" Mr. Lancer asked.


Me: Mwahaha cliff hanger!

Danny and others: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Sam: So THIS is what you meant by 'good luck'

Me: Kind of

Danny: What do you-


Danny: O-kay?

Me: Well that's it for now. What did you think? Until next time, bye!

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