Chapter 8 (Walker)

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Me: *peaks out from behind corner* Hello *dodges brick* What was that for?!

Danny: For leaving my life on hold for over a week! *throws another brick*

Me: I'm sorry. *dodges brick again* Stop that! Now are you ready to hear my excuses, even though it still won't change the fact that it's been over a week?

Danny: sure, shoot.

Me: Ok. So I was out of wifi for the whole weekend and my parent wouldn't turn on their hotspot, and I don't have service on my phone. Then I got back Monday but I had to do stuff with my family. And then writers block decided that I wasn't going to have any ideas, and then I had to go on another trip to see some of my family. But I promise I was working on the story in my spare time.

Danny: .........Well now that that is over with. Waves-Of-Fury does not own me or any other Danny Phantom character.

Me: Nope. But I do own the drawing up top.

Danny: Does that picture have any relevance to the story?

Me: Not really but kind of. It's in pencil and shaded so you can't really tell, but it's Phantom's hands and the quote is from Friend Please by 21 Pilots.

Danny: O-K then?



"Dannyyy! I'm tried." Paulina whined. Complaining for about the 50th time that day.

"I know that Paulina, but we're not at a place where we can stop right now. Can you make it another two miles?" Danny said, annoyance slowly creeping into his voice.

"I don't know." she whined. Then she got an idea, "Danny, will you carry me? Pleeease?" in all honesty she wanted to be closer to her non-admitted crush.

Danny stopped and sighed, then he turned around to Paulina, "Shoes."

Paulina smiled and handed him her shoes.

"Get on." Danny said simply.

Once Paulina was on Danny's back she noticed that she could feel very defined muscles under his shirt. 'Did he get those from ghost fighting?' she wondered.

Once Danny was sure Paulina would stay on his back he turned his head to look at Paulina and said, "Just so you know, this is a one time thing." Then he began walking again, leaving a shocked Paulina on his back.

~Two miles later~

The group arrived at another island and stopped. Danny set Paulina down and before everyone dispersed announced that they would be stoping for the night, and that they had 15 more miles till they reached Phantom's Keep. Then everyone separated.

"Wow we're making good time! 10 miles in a day. At this pace We'll make it to Phantom's in the next day or two!" Danny said as their trio sat away from the other groups.

"Yeah. Unless Phantom comes right now, I think you'll be giving him a pleasant surprise." Tucker said, nudging Danny teasingly with his elbow.

"Shut up Tuck." Danny said shoving Tucker slightly, blushing lightly.

Just then they heard a beeping coming from Danny's bag. He began digging through it until he found the Fenton Phones. He took them out and put then on.


"Hello Hunter!" Came the voice on the other end. Danny blushed at the nickname Phantom gave him.

"What are you calling for?" Danny asked.

"Just calling to talk to you." Phantom said, causing Danny to blush a deeper shade of red. "I heard that some idiot had the bright idea to send your class here for a field trip."

"Yeah. Then we crashed and started heading your way. We should be able to make it to you in a day or two depending on how fast the group can move. We're about 15 miles a way now."

"Sweet! That means that I get to see my Hunter soon!" Phantom said. Danny laughed a little imagining Phantom through in his fists in the air in joy.

"Yeah. And I get to see my Spirit." Danny said playfully, using the nickname he came up with for Phantom. "I have to go Spirit. I need rest for tomorrow."

"Aww. But Dannyyyy!" Phantom whined.

"Bye Phantom, good night." Danny said with an almost teasing tone.

"Night Danny. You better come soon." Phantom said.

"I'll try." Danny said and hung up. Then he took them off and placed them in his pocket.

"Enjoy talking to your boyfriend?" Tucker said to Danny.

"Knock it off Tucker." Sam said, "We should probably get some sleep now."

"Yeah, we probably should." Danny said, using his bag as a pillow.

"Night Danny." Sam said.

"Night Tucker." Danny said.

"Night Sam." Tucker said.

But before anyone could go to sleep, they were interrupted by someone.

"Hello Punk." Walker said, floating down to the group with his soldiers behind him starting the group, save for Danny, Sam, and Tucker who were used to this by now.

"What are you doing here Walker?" Danny asked the warden.

"I'm here for you." He said leaning in closer to Danny, "And I don't care about your position in the Ghost Zone, or what you are to the king. You still owe me time." He said smirking.

Then Danny was shot in the back of the neck with a tranquilizer dart by Bullet, Walker's right hand man.

The rest of the group was captured by some of Walker's men. Sam and Tucker attempted to fight back but were soon out numbered and overwhelmed.

The soldiers knocked out the rest of the group and carried them off to Walker's prison.


Me: mwahahaha cliffy *dodges brick* WHAT THE HECK?!

Danny: *throws another brick*

Me: WHAT DID I DO NOW?! *dodges another brick*

Danny: You are leaving my life on a cliffhanger! *throws brick*

Me: I'm sorry! *dodges* Stop that!

Danny: fine since we have to go you're safe...for now.

Me: Oh just you wait. *smirks evilly* hehehe.

Danny: *sweat drops* uh oh.

Me: Uh oh indeed. Anyway that's it for now. What did you think? Until next time, Bye!

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