Chapter 18 (Quiz Biz, The Second Game Pt 1)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back!

Phantom: Hey. How are you not tired? You got like 3 hours of sleep last night.

Me: I don't know. I ran on an hour of sleep once and I was fine.

Phantom: Well you did, and still are doing, better then Danny when he stays up late fighting ghosts.

Danny: Hey!

Me: Well it's true.

Danny: Yeah I guess.

Me: Anyway, I get to be a nerd/otaku/random weirdo in general in this chapter cuz I'm making the quiz questions. Yay!

Phantom: Oh no. Welp here we go, Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom, she's not Butch Hartman. She also doesn't own any of the shows or songs used for questions.

Me: Nope. I do own sky. Let's do this thing! ON WITH THE STORY!



" I see you have completed the first game, congrats! Now it's time for those who didn't participate last time to have a turn. In this game you will be given a series of questions of various categories. You have 5 lives, everytime you get a question wrong you lose a life. Have fun! AHAHAHA!!" The screen then was lifted in to the ceiling and the group was once again engulfed by darkness.


The lights came to life practically blinding both the half of the group on stage and the half that sat in the audience.

On stage stood Valerie, Sky, Tucker, Kwan, and Star. They all stood behind a table with a single buzzer in the center and a pad of paper and pencils to the left of it and a small whiteboard and expo markers to the right of it. In the center of the stage was a giant tv screen, and the rest of the space was empty.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of every age welcome to Quiz Biz! Today our team of participants is a group of students from Casper High! Let's meet them!" A ghost that looked like a game show host came onto the stage and walked over to the small group.

"Let's start with you!" He said shoving the mic in Tucker's face, "State your name and a fact about yourself!"

"My names Tucker Foley and I'm a techno-geek." He said, he had long past accepted the fact that he was a techno-geek and he was pretty proud of it.

"Lovely! Next!" He shoved the mic in Kwan's face.

"My name is Kwan and my favorite color is red."

"Ok next!" He next shoved the mic in Valerie's face.

"Ok first of all don't shove that in my face." Valerie said slightly pushing the mic back, "And secondly my name is Valerie Grey ,I'm an outcast, and I also play the drums."

"Wonderful and you miss?" He said putting the mic in front of Star.

"Hello my name is Star and My favorite color is rainbow!" She said in a way to over peppy voice.

"And last but not least..." He shoved the mic in Sky's face.

"One why did you shove it in my face after not doing that to Star? And two my name is Skyler 'Sky' Dark, I love anime, I'm an outcast, my favorite color is blue, I play keyboard and sing, I love to draw,-" Sky started to list things in a very hyperactive way that only Valerie, after being a rounder so much, could understand, when the show host ghost took the mic away (Tucker: show host ghost, hey that rhymed! Me: Oh yeah I guess it did! Anyway, ONWARDS!).

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