Chapter 24 (Alone)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back!

Danny: Welcome back! *sees title* this good alone, or bad alone?

Me: You'll see.

Sky: It's-


Sky: Oh oh! Can I do it?

Me: Um...sure.

Sky: Yes! Ok, Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or its characters. She does however own me and this story.

Me: Yeah, thanks.

Sky: You're welcome!

Danny: Hey, what about me?

Me: You get the chapter. now, ON WITH THE STORY!



"AHAHAHA! It worked! Now I have both halves of the once halfa on my side! Nothing can stop me now!" Freakshow laughed as he turned and headed back to a little room off to the side. "Come minions. Sit we must prepare for the next advance."

Danny and Phantom flew into the room and Phantom sat on one of the pillows on the floor while Danny was on his lap and Freakshow was in the only chair there.

As Freakshow sat there working on something on his staff Danny say there silently on Phantom's lap.

'All according to plan.' He thought and leaned a little further back onto Phantom's chest.


"I must go get some things for the preparation of our next advance. I'll be back, wait here until I return." Freakshow said and then left the room in search of what he needed.

Once he left, and Danny was sure he was far enough away to not be able to hear them, Danny turned around to face Phantom. "Hey Spirit."

"Hello Danny." Phantom responded.

Danny pouted, usually Phantom would have called him Hunter, but he didn't. 'This might be a bit harder than I thought it would be.' Danny thought. "Hey Phantom?" Danny asked.

"Yes Danny?" Phantom responded.

"What am I to you?" Danny asked looking at him expectantly.

"You're...You're..." Phantom gripped his head eyes flashing from red to green.

'Come on, come on!' Danny pleaded in his head.

"You're my partner in battle." Phantom finally said, his eyes settling back to red.

Danny groaned in frustration. 'Dang it Freakshow! Why did you have to make this go that deep.' Danny thought.

"Spirit, I need you to listen to me." Danny said looking Phantom straight in the eye. "You are being controlled by Freakshow. This isn't you." Danny said.

Confusion was written all over Phantom's face. "I don't know what you mean." Phantom said, his head tilted slightly to the side.

"Oh for-. Phantom you're my boyfriend! You make random jokes, you poke fun at me, you call me Hunter, that cute little pet name that you made for me! This. Isn't. You!" Danny exclaimed desperately trying to reach Phantom.

"I...I..." Phantom desperately tried to grasp what Danny was saying but the words just wouldn't cut through the thick fog that surrounded Phantom's mind enough to get him to come back.

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