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Me: Hey-o! I'm back!

Danny: Why are you here? The story ended.

Me: Well.....I saw a few comments about things (such as doing the Simba thing on the rocks) And decided to make an extras chapter!

Danny: Oh no. This does not bode well for me.

Me: Oh come on. It'll be fun!

Danny: Yeah right. Sure it will.

Me: Fine be a grouch. Could you do the disclaimer Mr. Grouch?

Danny: *grumbles under breath* Yeah sure. Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or any other things that may be referenced.

Me: Thanks! Now, warning: this may be a bit long, there could be a lot of extras. Anyway, OFF TO THE EXTRAS!


Extra #1

Danny groaned. He knew it was true, this was the only option they had. Danny sighed, "Fine." Sam and Tucker high-fived, "Let's go tell the rest of the group." The trio stood up and made their way over to the largest rock on their little island. Then proceeded to climb to the top of the rock.

Tucker then walked up behind Danny and lifted him into the air with the help of Sam.


Everyone turned to the rock  to see the 'freak trio' reenacting the scene from the Lion King with Danny, unwillingly, being Simba.

"Guys! What the heck?!" Danny shouted at his friends as he began squirming in an attempt to get out of their grasps.

Tucker just continued to sing 'the circle of life' while Sam laughed slightly, and the teens of the group below them fell into hysterics.

~Next Extra, brought to you by Sans and Papyrus!~

Extra #2

Me: Okay, so the rest of this is random. It's not really based off anything, unless I find something, then it will be.

Danny: So...I'm still not safe?

Me: Technically.....no.

Danny: *sigh*


Maddie sat in the lab working on her latest invention. It had been about a month since they had gotten back, a month since their fight with Danny, since anyone had even seen Danny or Phantom. Not even Sam or Tucker, or if they had they weren't telling.

Since he had left, Sam and Tucker had stopped fighting ghosts, but that didn't stop them from coming. So She and Jack had taken up the job--and they were exhausted.  They never knew how late, or how early the ghosts came, or how grueling they were to fight.

She sat there teal hood up, hiding her tired violet eyes. As she engrossed herself in her work to distract herself from the complications of her own world.

As she has finished welding the piece of the new device she was working on she was shrouded in a green light. She turned her head to see that the ghost portal had opened and through it came a small rectangular object.

Maddie walked over and saw it was a letter. She turned it over to see who it was addressed to and her eyes widened.

"Jack! Come down here!" She called frantically.

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