Wolf's Fury (A/N)

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Fire Wolf: It has been made official. Me and Fury are a team. Our team name if Wolf's Fury.
With my intensity and her cliffhangers we are amazing and unstoppable!
We will most likely mention each other in our stories and get a good laugh.We have been influencing each other so this should be interesting.

Me: Yup, we are officially a team! Yay! *lets off confetti cannon*

Danny and Phantom: NOOO!! We will never be safe!

Fire: *laughs* No, no you won't. *smirks evilly* High five! *holds hand up for high five* We have made them fear us and we haven't even started yet!

Me: Yeah! *high fives* Accomplishments!

Fire: I know right! This is gonna be fun! *eyes glow red*

Me: *laughs evilly* Yeah it is!

Fire: Haha! We are Wolf's Fury and we shall be both be feared and loved for our cliffhangers and intensity! *pauses and face palms* Great, now you've got me saying 'shall'.

Danny and Phantom: *gulp* Please help us.

Me: Haha! Yes! I'm rubbing off on you more! We shall be feared!

Fire: *looks at them* Stop being wimps! Man up! Phantom, bro, you're the KING OF THE GHOST ZONE! *sigh* Yes Fury, you are rubbing off on me, but you have gotten more intense so I count that as a win for me. *smirks*

Me: Fine. *puts up point for Fire on random point counter* And yeah. Seriously Phantom you've faced the Ghost King and Dan. Yet you're terrified of us?

Fire: Well, actually, we can be more scary than them... *contemplates how scary we are compared to the Ghost King and Dan* Especially when I have a mallet. I have a mean swing.

Danny and Phantom: Yes, much more scary.

Me: True. You do. I don't know what I've got. I mean I'm good with a sling shot.

Fire: Hmm, why have you never claimed to control water? That could be your power. I mean, you are WAVES-Of-Fury.

Me: Oh Yeah! Right! I forgot about that! *giant wave crashes down on Danny and Phantom*

Fire: Hey! I wanted to hit them with my giant crystal mallet! *pulls out giant mallet*

Me: Go ahead! *bows and gestures in the direction of the two*

Danny and Phantom: AHH! RUN!! *starts running*

Fire: Oh no you don't! *throws phase proof lasso around their waists* You aren't going anywhere! *looks at Fury* We're so cruel! *hits Danny and Phantom with the mallet*

Me: Yup! Eh, oh well. *shrugs*

Fire: *laughs as Danny and Phantom groan in pain from getting hit with a mallet*

Me: Are you two thirsty?

Danny and Phantom: Actually, yeah.

Me: Oh here have some water. *slams more water onto them*

Fire: Oh! Bravo! *claps* That was very good, but I think that they should cool off! *freezes water*

Me: Haha! Nice! *holds up hand for high five*

Fire: *high fives* This is fun!

Me: Yeah it is!

Danny and Phantom: Why us?

Me: Because you're here.

Fire: Aw! You're getting more like me all the time! *wipes away imaginary tear*

Danny and Phantom: Oh no.

Me: Shush! *puts water gags in their mouths*

Fire: Aww! I liked their commentary! *pouts*

Me: Fine. If you want them to. *removes water gags*

Danny and Phantom: *gasp* You guys can be nice!

Fire: *glares* Speak a word of that to anyone and I'll freeze your mouths shut. *blinks* Wait why are we doing this again?

Me: um...give me a second. *scrolls back to the beginning of the conversation* We were announcing that we are indeed working together with our team Wolf's Fury.

Fire: Right! Well, I think we've made it clear. Can we say our goodbyes now?

Me: Yeah we probably should.

Fire: Okay then, that's a wrap!

Me: And until next time, bye!

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