Chapter 19 (Quiz Biz, The second game Pt 2)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back!

Phantom: Hey! Why are you so excited?

Me: Well one I got a new phone that now has service and tow because I'm going on a trip to North Carolina tomorrow!

Phantom: Oh that's cool! Hey now you can update if you finish on the road and you won't have to wait to find wifi!

Me: I know! Could you do the disclaimer porfavor?

Phantom: Sure. Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom or its characters. She also doesn't own any songs/ whatever else she uses or mentions for questions.

Me: Nope I do not. Gracias Phantom!

Phantom: De nada.

Me: I do own Sky. ON WITH THE STORY!



Kwan stepped forward, "The show was The Milton Show." He said certainly.

"Ooh incorrect! Sorry but the correct answer was The Milton Berle Show. Well that will have to cost you a life." Show host said and a large 5 appeared on the tv but was shattered and left a 4.

"Well that's the first round folks! Stay tuned and don't change your Channels! We'll be back for round 2 after the break!"

Then the group knew light no more.


The lights of the stage blared to life once more revealing the group on stage once again.

"Welcome once again to Quiz Biz! Now before we move on to the second category, our contestants must participate in the transition round!" Show host said as he walked to the center of the stage.

"In the transition round our contestants must send the required number of people to participate in the chosen task. If they win the transition round it earns their team an extra life, if they fail they loose a life!" Show host explained, "Now send up 2 members of the team to participate you will have 1 minute to decide, starting, now!"

The group turned to discuss who would go up.

"Who should we send?" Valerie asked.

"We have no way of knowing what the task will be before hand, it could be anything, we have to choose wisely." Tucker said. "I say Star and Kwan go for this round."

No one said otherwise so when Show host called for the participants Star and Kwan walked up to join him in the center of the stage.

"Wonderful! Now on to the task!" A wheel came up from the floor like when he was selecting the categories, but it looked slightly different. Show host raised his arm and gave the wheel a powerful spin. It began to slow down and when it stopped it landed on karaoke. "The task that they must complete is to sing a duet karaoke! What song should they sing?" He reached over to the wheel once again and this time spun for songs. As the wheel stopped it landed on, "American Noise by Skillet!"

The wheel disappeared back into the floor and was replaced with two Mocs and a karaoke machine. Kwan and Star picked up the mics and The music began.

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