Chapter 2

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 I drove into school and parked. My music faded out as I turned off my car and stared up at the building that was now to be my school. I looked at the big brick building and I watched people walking around and chilling out in front.

I walked up to the entrance of the school and sighed as I placed my hand on the handle. I slowly opened the door and everyone looked at me as I passed by and it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Some girls glared at me, others smiled and waved, and guys just winked at me and smirked.

I looked down at my feet as I walked, trying to avoid eye contact with people. Suddenly I bumped into someone and I groaned slightly as I fell to the ground. “Oh no! I’m so very sorry”, a girl said as she held out her hand for me. I grabbed it and she helped pull me to my feet.

“Thank you”, I said as I straightened out my clothes.

“No problem”, she replied as she flipped her blonde hair. “It’s my fault for knocking you down. I’m Chelsea, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you”, I said as I looked her over. She was tall and tan. Her blonde hair was perfectly straight and it framed her face perfectly. She also had obvious D cups that made my C’s look like A’s. She was wearing tight daisy dukes and a yellow tank top, with yellow wedges. “I should go now”, I said. “I need to find my locker.”

“Ok”, she said as she smiled at me. “Let me know if you need anything.”

I finally made it to my locker after much searching. I opened it and saw a note taped inside. I grabbed the note and read it. “Great, a party”, I said to myself, “Just another reason to hang out with these idiots.” I recalled the fact that the only people I’ve so far at this school are superficial girls and guys with more than one girl attached to their hips.

I closed my locker and gasped as I noticed that a boy was standing beside it. He had black hair that covered his eyes and he was wearing black skinny jeans, converse, a white shirt, and a black tie. He was actually kind of cute and I could feel butterflies fill my stomach as he stared at me.

 “Did I scare you”, he asked as he smiled at me.

“Uh…a little”, I replied.

He chuckled and said, “Anyway, Idiot is a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

“What”, I asked.

“The party”, he said as he pointed to the note in my hand.

“Oh...uh, you heard that?”

“Yeah”, he said. “So, you think I’m an idiot.”

“Maybe”, I replied. “It’s the best way to describe the people here. So, that includes you.”

“Feisty are we”, he chuckled. “I like it. A minute ago you were stuttering.”

I rolled my eyes and tried not to blush.

“Now you’re blushing”, he pointed out. “Is my presence that amazing to you?”

“No”, I said. “I’m not blushing either.”

“Yeah, you are”, he said.

I was about to reply, but then I heard someone clear their throat beside me. I turned around to see a girl opening the locker beside me. She had short, black hair with purple streaks and she was wearing purple skinny jeans, a floral top and black boots.

“Is he bothering you”, she asked as she pointed to the boy that was talking to me.

“No, I’m not”, he said.

“Speak for yourself, Nathan”, she said.

“I would say the same”, the boy, apparently Nathan, shot back. “I should go, though. Later, beautiful.”

“Uh…yeah, bye”, I replied as I blushed a little bit as he called me beautiful.

“Hi, I’m Jenna”, the girl said as she looked at me.

“I’m Olivia.”

“Nice to meet you, Olivia. That was Nathan by the way. I would suggest staying away from him. He has the tendency to break girls’ hearts. You know, typical high school guy who only wants one thing.”

“Oh, well, he seems fine to me.”

“It’s always like that at first. He’s all flirty and sweet, but then he’s on to the next girl after he gets what he wants.”

“Oh, um, thanks for the tip, I guess”, I said as her words sunk in.

“Your welcome”, Jenna said as she turned on her heal and walked away.

Then, the bell rang and I walked to the science room for first period. I sat down at an empty desk towards the back and a few minutes later the bell rang again indicating that class was starting.

The teacher began a lecture on photosynthesis or something and I zoned him out.

Nathan’s View

            I ignored the bell and stood in the hallway with some of my friends. “Who was that chick you were talking to earlier? Is she new or something because she’s kind of cute”, Chad said.

            “Yeah, she’s new. I never caught her name though because stupid Jenna had to intervene”, I replied. “But back off man. I call dibs on this one.”

“Doesn’t Jenna always interfere”, Chad said as he rolled his eyes.

            “Wait, since when do we call dibs”, Herald asked as he shook his head.

            “Since I wanted to date that hottie I just met”, I replied. “I need to find out her name though.”

            “Well, good luck with that man”, Chad said.

            “Seriously, though. You want to date her”, Herald said. “But you just met her.”

            “Yeah, I know”, I said. “I don’t know though. She's cute and I think I have a crush on her already.”

            “Since when do we have crushes on people”, Chad said as he and Herald laughed.

            I rolled my eyes and said, “I know that sounds stupid, but I’m serious. She drives me crazy just looking at her.”

            Chad and Herald exchanged looks. “You sound like a girl”, Herald said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

            “And you just met her”, Chad continued. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

            I brushed off Heralds hand and said, “I won’t. Trust me; I know what I’m doing.”

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