Chapter 11

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2 weeks later

            “Sorry, I’m late”, Nathan said as he walked into my room and sat on my bed next to me. “Our gig ran a little longer than expected.”

            “It’s okay”, I said as I pecked his lips. “My parents and Aiden aren’t here yet anyway. But, how’d your gig go?”

            “Great”, Nathan replied as I stood up and searched through my drawers for something to wear. “We covered ‘Only Exception’ by Paramore. I dedicated that to you.”

            “You’re such a romantic”, I said as I rolled my eyes and smirked at him.

            “Yeah, well the crowd loved it.”

            I smiled and stripped off my clothes.

            “I hate it when you change in front of me, you know”, Nathan said.

            I giggled and threw on a pair of white skinny jeans and a purple floral tank top from Forever 21. Then, I pulled on my purple ugg boots and French-braided my hair.

            “How do I look”, I asked Nathan.

            “Sexy as ever”, he replied. “Turn around though.”

            I scrunched my eyebrows and confusion and turned around. “I like the view from the back”, Nathan replied.

            I scoffed and grabbed a pillow before hitting him with it. He laughed and dodged my hit.

            “Olivia, we’re home”, Aiden said as he ran into my room.

            “Hey, Aiden”, I said as I picked him up. “Where’s dad and Amy.”

            “Downstairs”, he replied. “We bought some Chinese. You’re favorite, Levi.”

            “Yeah”, I said as he put him back down on the ground. “Go tell mom and dad that we’ll be down in a second.”

            “Okay”, Aiden said as he hurried out of my room.

            “Ready”, I asked as I turned to Nathan.

            “No”, he chuckled. “Meeting the parents is awkward.”

            I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. “They’ll love you”, I said as we walked downstairs.

“Hello, Olivia”, my dad said as we walked into the kitchen. “You must be, Nathan.”

I elbowed my dad and mouthed, “Be nice.”

            Nathan and I sat down at the table. I sat across from Amy, Nathan sat across from my dad, and Aiden sat next to me.

            I felt someone tug at my shirt and I turned to Aiden.  “Is he your boyfriend, Levi”, he whispered.

            “Yeah”, I whispered back.

            “Good”, he said. “I think he’s cool.”

            I smiled at Aiden and ruffled his hair.

            “So, Nathan”, Amy said. “Olivia says that you’re in a band?”

            “Yeah”, he replied. “It’s called ‘A Thousand Times No’.”

            “Is that what you plan on being when you grow up”, my dad asked and I glared at him.

            “No”, Nathan said. “I mean it would be cool if it took off, but I’d rather be a lawyer. Like my dad.”

            My dad smiled at the sound of “lawyer” and I rolled my eyes at him. “That’s very good, Nathan”, Amy replied. “Olivia here wants to be a nurse.”

            I scoffed and mumbled, “Unwillingly.”

The rest of dinner went by with my parents asking their burning questions for Nathan and I was glad when it was over.

“My parents are so embarrassing”, I said as I plopped down on my bed and Nathan sat beside me.

“Their not that bad”, he said. “Your little brother was the best though.”

I laughed as I recalled the moment when my brother stuck his chopsticks up his nose and said, “Look! I’m a walrus!”

"My brother loves you, Nathan", I said and he smiled at me.

 “So, what do you want to do now", he asked.

“I don’t know”, I said. “What do you want to do?”

“We can go to Matthew’s house and hang”, he replied. “Clarissa’s probably over there, too, as always.”

“Yeah”, I said as I climbed off of my bed. “Lets’ go.”

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