Chapter 23

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        Chapter 23

            I snuggled into my bed and began to pour my heart out. I’ve cried for at least 2 hours now and I can’t stop. I refuse to leave my room, despite my dad and Amy’s trying.

            I know that it’s my fault that all of this happened, but I wish it didn’t.

            “Olivia”, my dad said as he came in. “How do you feel, honey?”

            I responded by crying louder and he sighed and sat down on my bed. “Come on. Levi”, he said as he stroked my hair. “I know that it hurts, but you can’t let him get to you. You have school in the morning, too, and now your eyes will be all puffy from all this crying.”

            “I don’t want to go to school”, I said as I choked on my sobs. “He’ll be there.”

            “I know, Olivia”, he replied. “But, you have to go to school. Look, I brought you some brownies and milk.”

            “I don’t want it”, I said as I began to cry harder.

            “Why not”, my dad said.

            “Because”, I replied. “Just go away.”

 “You know what? I think that this is a job for Amy.”

            Then, my dad left my room and a few minutes later, Amy walked in. “Olivia”, she said. “Olivia, sweetie, please stop crying.”

            “No”, I said.

            “Goodness”, Amy said. “You’re pillow is soaked with all of your tears!”

            “I don’t care”, I said as I sniffed and continued to cry. “I just want Nathan back!”

            “I know you do, but you have to stop crying over him.”



            “I loved him, Amy. I loved him so much”, I said.

            “I know you did”, she said as she rubbed my back. “And he loved you. But, nothing can last forever.”

            “Why can’t it?!”

            “Because it just can’t, Olivia. You know that”, she said. “But, crying all day isn’t going to fix anything. Look, it’s already 12am. You need to go to sleep.”

            “I don’t want to go to school!”

            Amy ignored me and said, “Goodnight, Olivia.”

Nathan’s View

            They always say that men don’t cry, and I used to believe that, but now I know that that isn’t true. As soon as Matthew, Clarissa, and Xavier left, I broke down.

            I’m actually crying right now. I just can’t believe how bad it hurts to really lose Olivia. I loved her too much, but she cheated on me. Obviously she doesn’t love me.

            I laid down on my bed and stared at the picture of Olivia kissing Trent on my phone. I ran my finger over her beautiful face and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces all over again.

            I went through all the rest of the pictures of her and I on my phone and I tried to fight back tears. How can she cheat on me? I don’t get it.

            Whatever. I need to go to sleep and forgot about her.

            I sighed and put my phone away before turning off my lamp and going to sleep.


Olivia’s View

I snapped awake as my alarm clock went off. It played “Only Exception” by Paramore and I could feel my heart ache at the sound of our song.

I groaned and walked into the bathroom. I sighed as I looked at my puffy eyes in the mirror. Then, I brushed my teeth and put a little bit of make-up around my eyes to hide the redness. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom.

I threw on a pair of black sweat pants, a white V-neck top and my pair of Ugg boots. Then, I saw Nathan’s hoodie hanging on my desk chair. I walked over and grabbed it as I felt my eyes fill with tears again. I pulled it on and I could smell his Old Spice cologne all over it.

“Let’s go Aiden”, I yelled as I stood at the front door.

“I’m coming”, he said as he ran down the steps.

Then, he stopped in front of me and raised his eyebrows at me. “Olivia”, he asked. “Why are you dressed like that? I mean, I may only be four years old, but I know that that is no fashion statement.”

“Are you saying that you don’t like how I look”, I stated.

“Yes, I am”, he replied. “You look like you just rolled out of bed.”

I ignored Aiden’s comments on my outfit and climbed in the car.

After dropping Aiden off at pre-school, I drove to my school.

As I walked inside, everyone stared at me and whispered things like “Oh my gosh, look at her, I can’t believe that they broke up, they were so in love, she’s such a whore, what a slut, that’s so sad, why’d he even date her in the first place, he deserves a lot better than her.”

I tried to hide the fact that their comments stung skin deep and I fought back tears as I passed Nathan and his friends. We made eye contact for a split second, but he turned away.

I sighed and went to my locker. I grabbed my books and went straight to first period. No one was in there yet, except for Jenna and some of her friends. “Oh look”, she said. “It’s Nathan’s girlfriend. Oh wait, I forgot. He broke up with her.” Jenna and her friends began to laugh and sat down at a desk in the back.

Jenna smirked at me and walked over to me. “It’s so sad”, she said. “I though you too would last forever. Darn, I guess forever doesn’t exist. Looks like he never really cared about you.”

I tried to ignore Jenna and I kept my eyes down. “Oh well, looks like he moved on pretty fast”, she said. I looked up in confusion and saw Nathan walking into the room with his arm around a girl. She had red hair that stopped at her shoulders and she had the body of a Victoria’s Secret model. She was wearing blue stilettos, white booty shorts, and a blue tank top that illuminated her boobs.

She smiled and laughed something Nathan said as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulled her closer. He looked over at me and we locked eyes as he pressed his lips to the girls.

I watched them kiss each other and I felt like someone was chiseling away at my heart. I ran out of the room as the bell rang and went the bathroom. I locked myself in one of the stalls and began to cry.

High School Heaven: NathanWhere stories live. Discover now