Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Olivia’s View

“Oh…um…I’m sorry”, I stuttered. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No”, Nathan said as he smiled at me. “It’s okay really. You’re cute when you stutter though, you know that?”

I blushed and said, “Nathan? Can I ask you something?”


“Um…what happened to Trent’s mom? Or…erm…why doesn’t he live with her? Why aren’t you with her?”

Nathan looked at me and said, “Well, it’s a long story.”

“I have time”, I said as I smiled at him.

“Okay”, he replied, “Um…a few years ago, I met this girl. Her name was Caitlin. We started dating and after a few years we fell in love. One night, we decided to have sex for the first time. We were both kind of scared, considering the fact that we were both virgins at the time. Anyway, we didn’t use protection because we were just stupid teenagers like that. We decide to just brush that fact off. The next day, one of my friends called me and said that they saw her making out with another guy. I was angry, so I called her and broke up with her. A month later, she texted me and told me that she was pregnant and that I was the dad. I wanted to be there for my son, so Caitlin and I got back together. I moved in with her after she had the baby, too. Unfortunately, after Trent was born, Caitlin felt trapped. She couldn’t handle the pressure of being a teen mom. So, she went out and partied every night, and came home drunk half the time. I told her that she was being a terrible mother and that I didn’t want to be with someone like that. So, I broke up with her, moved out, and took Trent with me. Now, Caitlin and I don’t really talk. The only time I see her is when I go to drop off Trent every 3 weeks.”

“Oh”, I said as I stared at Nathan. “I feel bad for asking for the whole story now. It seemed kind of personal.”

“It is. Personal that is”, Nathan said. “I’ve only told two people that story. Three now I guess.”

“Who else knows”, I asked.

“My best friends, Matthew and Clarissa. I’ve know them since I was seven. Matthew’s my age by the way and Clarissa is 17 like you.”

Suddenly, my phone rang and Nathan took Trent out of my arms so I could read my text. “Great”, I said.

“What”, Nathan asked, with a bit of concern on his face.

“My parents are sick”, I replied. “They said that they want me to stay at a friend’s house for the weekend.”

“You can stay here, if you want.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah”, Nathan said. “I’ll just tell my mom that you’re staying.”

“Okay”, I said. “I need to go to my house to get some stuff though. I’ll be back.”

High School Heaven: NathanWhere stories live. Discover now