Chapter 5

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“You go first, Olivia”, Jenna said as she shoved a hat in my face and smiled.

I reached into the hat and dug around for an item. I pulled something out and looked at it. “A pen”, I said in confusion.

“Looks like my dream came true”, Nathan said as he smirked at me. Then, he scooped me up bridal style and carried me into the closet as everyone whistled.

He sat me down on the floor and I leaned against the wall, while he sat against the opposite one.

“7 minutes”, Jenna said as she closed the door. “And don’t you dare touch her, Nathan.”

The closet was pitch black and I sat beside Nathan awkwardly in silence. “Um…here’s your pen back”, I said as I handed it too him.


“So, why did you put in a pen, exactly?”

“Because, I’m a song writer”, he said. “It only makes sense.”

 “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah. I write songs for my band, ‘A Thousand Times No’.”

“That’s a cool name.”

“Thank you”, Nathan said. “So, do you actually want to do something in here or are we just going to sit in awkward silence the whole time?”

“Do you really expect me to do something with you”, I said. “We don’t even know each other.” But, I couldn’t help but think about how I kind of wanted my dream to come true. The thought of having physical contact with him drove me crazy.

“Fair enough”, Nathan said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Tell me about yourself, then.”

“Um…okay…well. I’m 17. What about you.”

“I’m 18. Keep going.”

“Uh…my parents are divorced and now I live with my dad and his new wife Amy. I have a little brother too. His name is Aiden. He’s four now. We moved here from Texas.”

Nathan and I continued to talk the entire time in the closet and we eventually knew more about each than people who have known each other for years.

            “You have a fear of sheep”, Nathan exclaimed as he burst into laughter.

            “Yes! I do”, I said as I punched him in the arm.

            “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard”, he said.

            “Shut up”, I said as I crossed my arms and pouted.

            Nathan laughed again and said, “Okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed at you. Forgive me?”

            “Whatever”, I said as I looked at him. “I forgive you.”

            “Good”, he replied as he looked down at me and smiled.

            I smiled back and saw his eyes flicker to my lips. I held my breath and waited for him to make the first move. Eventually, though, I decided that I wanted to.

            I cupped his cheek with my hand and I got chills at the sudden contact. I slowly leaned in closer to him and I watched him close his eyes and lean in, too. I closed my eyes and felt our lips touch lightly. Our lips began to move slowly in sync and I suddenly forgot about everything else around me. The feel of his lips tugging on mine were making me dizzy and I let out a small moan.

                “I’m really glad you made the first move”, Nathan said against my lips.

                “Mmm…why is that”, I asked as I sucked on his tongue and deepened the kiss.

                He groaned and moved me on to his lap. “Because now, I know that you’re interested in me.”

                “Just stop talking”, I moaned as I moved my lips to his neck and he squeezed my hips.

                “Are we really going to do this”, he asked out of breath as I pulled his shirt over his head.

                I didn’t reply. Instead, I began to kiss his chest and undo his jeans. He hesitated a bit before he began to undo my pants, too

“It's suddenly really hot in here”, I gasped as I pulled my shirt over my head.

“Wow”, Nathan said as he grabbed my waist and stared at me.

“What”, I asked, feeling a bit insecure.

“Your boobs”, he said as he stared at me in amazement.

“I’m still wearing a bra, though”, I said.

“I know, but still.”

I laughed and laid down on the closet floor and Nathan climbed on top of me and started kissing me again.

            “Times up”, Jenna said as she slung open the closet door. We both gasped and jumped apart. Everyone cheered as they looked at Nathan and me and we both zipped out pants and pulled on our shirts. Then, we walked out of the closet and Jenna sent in the next couple.

Nathan led me outside and we sat down on the porch. It was silent for a minute and I stared out in front of me.

            “Well, that was interesting”, he said as he grabbed my hand and broke the silence.

 “What was”, I asked as I looked down at our entwined fingers.

            He chuckled and said, “Don’t play dumb. You wanted to have sex with me.”

            I looked away as I could feel myself blush and said, “I…uh, was caught in the moment.”

“Yeah, well you were still the one who made the first move”, he said. “So, do you like me?”

I smiled at how blunt his question was. I thought about for a minute and said, “I guess you could say that.

“Well, then, in that case”, he said, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I kissed Nathan’s lips and said, “Yeah.”

He smiled and kissed me back. We began to make out and I got that dazed feeling again. I had to admit that I loved kissing him.

There was an awkward pause between Nathan and me, but he finally interrupted it by saying, “Do you want to go to my place?”

            “Uh…well, I mean, about the closet and all…”

            “No, not like that”, he said as he rushed his words and he be blushed. “I mean just to hang out.”

            “Oh, okay”, I said. “Sure.”

High School Heaven: NathanWhere stories live. Discover now