Chapter 12

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The next week at school, Nathan and I walked into school hand-in-hand. Guys whistled at us as we walked down the hallway, and girls gave me glares that were gladly returned.

Nathan and I walked up to my locker and I found Jenna standing at hers. “Hey”, I said.

She looked at me but didn’t answer.


Suddenly, a guy came up to Nathan and me and did that man hug thing with Nathan. “Hey, man”, the guy said. “So, you finally got together with this hottie, huh?”

“Watch it man”, Nathan said as he grabbed my waist. “She’s my girlfriend. But yeah, this is my friend, Chad, Olivia.”

“Hi”, I said.

Hola hermosa”, he replied.

“Uh…what”, I said.

“He said hi there beautiful”, Nathan replied as he rolled his eyes at Chad.

“Hey, Nathan”, a high-pitched voice said. We all turned to see Clarissa and Matthew walking towards us.

“Hey, Clare-bear”, Nathan said.

“Hey, Olivia”, Matthew said and I smiled at him.

“So, we came to ask you guys if you want to ditch with us”, Clarissa said.

“I’m up for it”, Nathan said. “What about you, Olivia?”

“Sure”, I said.

“Not me”, Chad said. “One more day of ditching and mi mamá takes away Call of Duty.”

            We all laughed and said goodbye to Chad. “Okay, let’s go”, Matthew said as we all headed down the hallway toward the parking lot.

            “Where are we going”, I asked.

            “Let’s hit up the mall”, Clarissa said.

            “Oka-”, I began but I was cut off when I bumped into someone. “Oh, hey, Jenna”, I said.

            “Oh look”, she said. “It’s Nathan and his new slut.”

            “Shut up, Jenna”, Nathan said as we all brushed past her.

            “What’s her problem”, I asked.

            “I don’t know”, Nathan said. “She always acts like that to my new girlfriends ever since I turned her down.”


            “Yeah”, Nathan continued. “She’s had a crush on me for years. She even tried having sex with me but I refused. She doesn’t really get the fact that I’m not attracted to her.”

            “Oh”, I said. “I guess she’s not who I thought she was.”

            “Yeah”, Nathan said as we all reached the parking lot. “She never is.”

            We climbed into our cars and headed for the mall. As I was driving, I noticed a not in my passenger’s seat. I waited until I was at a red light, then I read it. It said: Stay away from Nathan. He’s mine. -J

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