Chapter 29

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5 months later

Nathan’s View

            I climbed out of the car with Clarissa and we both began to walk into Jared’s. She clapped her hands in excitement as she ran over to all of the jewelry and such. “Oh my goodness, Nathan”, she squealed. “I’m so excited for you! I glad that I get to come pick it out with you!”

            “Yeah”, I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m a bit nervous though. And you’re only here because I needed a girl’s opinion.”

            “Whatever”, she said as she rolled her eyes and motioned for one of the people behind the counter to come.

            She pointed down at the glass case that all the rings were in. “Can we see that one?”

            “Of course”, the worker person said. It was a woman. She was blonde and around her 20s. “Are you shopping for a particular reason?”

            “Yeah”, I said as I stepped up to the women and Clarissa.

            Clarissa quickly chimed in, whilst clapping her hands. “He’s proposing to his girlfriend!”

            “Aw, that’s cute”, the women said. “How old are you and your soon to be fiancé?”

            “I’m 18 and she’s 17.”

            “Getting married so young? What’s the reason, may I ask?”

            “I, uh…she’s pregnant.”

            “Oh”, the woman said as her eyes widened a little.

            “And, I love her more than anyone in the world.”

            The woman smiled at me and handed me a ring. “This has been one of our favorites so far. Everyone’s looking at it and I wouldn’t be surprised if it sold fast.”

            I looked it over and immediately knew that it wasn’t cheap.

            “It’s beautiful”, Clarissa said as she took it from me. “She’d love this one.”

            “Yeah, she would”, I said. “How much is it?”

            “It’s $14,000”, the woman said as she smiled at me sweetly.

            “What”, I said as the price sunk in. Holy crap. That’s a lot of money for a ring.

            “We’ll take it”, Clarissa said as she squealed and the woman went to ring us up.           


            I drove up to Olivia’s house and parked. “Okay, I’m here”, I said to Clarissa through the phone. There’s no way I was letting her come with me, so I dropped her off at her own house. “I have to go now.”

            “Fine, but you better call me back after you do it. I want to know how she reacts and what she says.”

            “Well, hopefully she’ll say yes”, I sighed.

            “She will”, Clarissa promised. “Now go ask her. Bye.”

            I hung up the phone with Clarissa and climbed out of my car. I grabbed the box with the ring in it and the stuffed panda bear Clarissa insisted I get.

            I sighed and walked up to the front door. I knocked and a few minutes later Olivia’s parents both answered the door. They smiled at me knowing what I was here for.

            “Oh, I’m so excited”, Mrs. Harris said as tears filled her eyes.

            “Yeah, well, I’m nervous”, I said as I stepped into the house and they closed the door behind me.

            “Don’t be”, Mr. Harris said. “She’ll say yes. She loves you to death.”

            I nodded and asked where she was.

            “Oh, she’s upstairs planning the baby shower”, Mrs. Harris said as she pushed me towards the stairs. “Go, go, go!”

            I took a breath and started walking upstairs. I finally made it to her room and I stopped at her door to breath.

            “I can do this”, I said as I walked inside.

            I frowned when I saw that she was sleeping and not actually planning the baby shower anymore. But, then, I got an idea.

            I walked over to her bed and looked down at her sleeping peacefully. She was lying on her back and one arm was above her head while the other was beside her face. I smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

            Then, I took deep breath a grabbed her left hand. She stirred a little, but didn’t wake up. I let out a breath and reached for the ring in my pocket. I opened the box and pulled the ring out. Then, I slowly slipped it on her ring finger. After that, I took the stuffed panda and laid it beside her before tucking her arm over it.

            I smiled down at her and started shaking her shoulder. “Olivia? Wake up, baby.”

            She frowned in her sleep and carefully turned on her side, hugging the stuffed panda.

            I chuckled a little and began shaking her again. “Olivia, wake up. I have a surprise for you.”

            She shook her head and hugged the panda tighter.

            I rolled my eyes and moved my face closer to hers. Then, I placed my lips on hers and started kissing her. At first, she didn’t respond, but, then, she started kissing back.

            I grabbed her face with my hands as she slowly sat up and I slowly pulled away from her.

            “What are you doing here”, she asked sleepily as she yawned and opened her eyes.

            “I came to surprise you”, I said as I pointed down her the panda.

            She frowned a little and said, “You woke me up to give me a stuffed panda?”

            “Sort of”, I replied.

            She smiled and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Then, something dawned on her.

            She pulled her left hand away from her face and stared at it. “Where’d this come from?”

            “That’s my other surprise for you”, I said.

            “Wait, is this?”

            “An engagement ring? Yeah.”

            She smiled widely and screamed. “Shut up!”

            I laughed and got down on one knee, traditionally. “Olivia Jane Harris, will you marry me?”

            “A thousand times yes”, she exclaimed as she threw her arms around me.

            I smiled and kissed her lips. She immediately kissed back with a giant smile on her face. “I love you”, she said as she hugged me again.

            “I love you so much more”, I replied as I kissed her, again and she smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

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