Chapter 28

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2 weeks later


            I was missing school for the second time this week because I was at home sick. I’ve been throwing up so much lately.

            “Sweetie, how do you feel”, Amy asked as she walked into my room.

            “I don’t know”, I said as I rubbed my stomach. “It’s like I don’t feel that bad. It’s just that I can’t stop throwing up.”

            “Well, Nathan stopped by this morning”, she said as she handed me a plate of cookies. “He said that his mom made them for you and that he would come see you after school.”

            “I’ve been craving cookies all week”, I said as I took one and bit it.

            Amy laughed and said, “I hope they don’t upset your stomach.”

            “Oh”, she said. “I almost forgot. I bought you some more tampons. Here.”

            “I don’t need them”, I said. “I’ve haven’t gotten my period this month for some reason. You can put them in the bathroom though.”

            “Wait, you haven’t gotten your period”, she asked.

            “No”, I said as I took another cookie.

            “And you keep throwing up and craving things”, she continued. “Olivia, are you pregnant?”

            “What”, I said as I almost choked on my cookie. “No!”

            “Well, I was just asking”, Amy said. “I mean, I’m sure Nathan and you have sex.”

            “Amy”, I exclaimed.

            “I’m sorry”, she said. “I’m just saying.”

            “I’m not pregnant”, I said. “There’s no way. We used procte-crap.”

            “What”, Amy asked.

            “I…um”, I began. “I don’t think we used a condom when we had sex a few weeks ago…”

            “What”, Amy said. “Olivia!”

            “I’m sorry”, I said. “We weren’t exactly planning on doing it that day. We were just so happy to be back together. I guess we just weren’t thinking.”

            “I’m going to the drug store to buy you a pregnancy test”, Amy said as she stood up. “I’ll be back.”

Nathan’s view

            I was sitting in Math class when I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text from Olivia. I opened it and it said “I need to talk to you.”

            I raised my hand and asked the teacher to go the bathroom. Then, I walked outside and called Olivia.

            “Hello”, she said.

            “Hey”, I said. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

            “Yeah, I’m fine”, she said. “I…uh…Nathan I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won’t be mad.”

            “Yeah, I promise. What is it?”

            “You remember when we had sex in my shower a few weeks ago”, she asked.

            “Yeah”, I replied. “How could I forget? It was amazing.”

            “I might be pregnant, Nathan.”

            “What”, I exclaimed as I could feel my heart pound against my chest.

            “Amy’s going to buy me a pregnancy test right now.”

            “I’m coming over”, I said.

            “No, don’t leave school. I’ll be-”

            Before Olivia could finish, I hung up the phone and headed for my car.

Olivia’s view

            I sat in the bathroom and stared at the pregnancy test in my hands. “These things take forever”, I said.

            A tiny sign finally began to appear and I gasped at what I saw.

            Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and I jumped slightly. “Is it showing anything yet”, Nathan asked.

            “Um...yeah”, I said.

            “Well”, he asked.

            I walked over and opened the door to reveal Nathan standing there. He looked at me and waited for me to answer. “I’m pregnant”, I said as I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

            “Oh”, Nathan said as I brushed past him. Then, I plopped down on my bed and buried my face in my pillow.

            “I don’t want to be pregnant”, I said as I began to cry.

            “I know”, Nathan said as he rubbed my back.

            “What are we going to do”, I asked.

            “Keep it”, he replied.

            “Seriously”, I said. “But, you already have a son.”

            “So”, he said.

            “I think you should break up with me.”

            “What?! Are you insane, Olivia?”

            “No”, I said. “But, I know that you don’t want to be with me now that I’m pregnant.”

            “Yeah I do”, Nathan said. “Olivia, I love you and I want to raise our baby with you.”

            “Seriously”, I asked as I sniff.

            “Yeah”, he said.

            “I’m scared, Nathan”, I said as I sat up and felt more tears roll down my eyes.

            “I know”, he said as he pulled me against his chest. “I am, too, but we’ll get through this together, somehow.”

            “But, what if, when I have the baby, you decide that you don’t want to be with me anymore”, I asked

            “I would never decide that”, Nathan said.

            “How do you know?”

            “Because I love you too much”, he said as he kissed my forehead.

            “You’ll love me when I’m fat”, I asked as I rubbed my stomach.

            Nathan chuckled and said, “Yeah, I will.”

            “And when I’m throwing up.”

            “You’re already throwing up.”

            “Oh”, I said. “Right.”

            “Stop doubting this Olivia”, he said. “We’ll be fine. I promise.”

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