Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 

           I wiped my face and walked out of the bathroom. Then, I saw Nathan standing in the hallway making out with that girl. He kept his eyes on me the whole time he was kissing her and I just looked down and walked away.

            I ran outside to my car and climbed inside. I sighed and laid my head on the steering wheel as I began to cry for the hundredth time today. Suddenly, I heard someone tap on my window and looked up. I scrunched my eyebrows at the person standing there and climbed out of my car.

            “Xavier”, I asked. “What are you doing here?”

            He shrugged and said, “I didn’t think that you would actually go to school today because of last night, so I went to your house to see how you were doing, but you weren’t home.”

            “Why do you care how I’m doing”, I asked in confusion.

            “I don’t know”, he said as he ruffled his hair.

            “Xavier, are you blushing”, I asked as I smiled for the first time today.

            “Shut up”, he said as he punched my arm softly. “But, your leaving aren’t you?”

            “I don’t know”, I said. “I want to leave. Nathan has a new girlfriend now.”

            “Oh”, Xavier said. “I’m sorry.”

            I nodded and looked down at the ground. “Well, then, let’s get out of here”, Xavier said.


            “Let’s leave”, he said as he walked to his car. “I’ll meet you at your house.”

My house

            Xavier and I walked inside and I grabbed us both cokes from the kitchen. Then, we plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. “So, how are you”, Xavier asked.

            “I’m a mess”, I said. “But Xavier, cut the crap. Why are you here? Since when did you have feelings?”

            He sighed and looked at me. “Olivia”, he said. “I like you, okay? I know that you don’t believe that because of my reputation and because I took advantage of you. But, I really like you. I’ve never liked a girl before, though.”

            “Oh”, I said as I felt my cheeks flush with red. “I didn’t know that…”

            “Yeah”, he replied. “I didn’t know at first either. I thought it was all about the sex, but I actually have feelings for you.”

            I remained silent and stared at Xavier. “Look”, he said. “You don’t have to say yes because I know that you just broke up with Nathan, but, Olivia, will you be my girlfriend?”

            “I…I”, I began. “Uh…yeah, sure, Xavier.”

            “What? Really”, he said. “But you just broke with the man you fell in love with.”

            “Yeah, but he moved on”, I said. “So, I think that I should, too.”

            “Good”, Xavier said as he smiled at me.

            I chuckled and said, “You’re awkward about this, you know.”

            “I’ve never been in an actual relationship”, he said.

            “Well, then, we should get started shouldn’t we”, I said as I stood up.

            “What”, he asked.

            “We’re going to go have our first date”, I replied.

            “Um…okay”, he said as he stood up. “But, you have to change first.”

            “What you don’t like what I’m wearing”, I asked as I smirked at him.

            “I know that you just got out of a relationship and all, but you look like a hobo”, he chuckled.

            “A cute hobo”, I said as I ran upstairs to change.

            I stripped off my clothes and pulled on a pair of red skinny jeans, a white tank top that was all lace in the back, and a pair of red stilettos. Then, I ran into the bathroom and put on some make-up and took down my hair. I curled it so it flowed in giant waves down my back and walked out of the bathroom.

            “Wow”, Xavier said when I walked outside and climbed into his car. “That is quite the transformation. Why so sexy?”

            “For you”, I said as I smirked and kissed his cheek.

            Xavier smiled at me and said, “So, where to?”

            “Let’s go to Krystal and get something to eat”, I said. “I love that place.”

            “Okay”, he said as he drove away.

            We parked and walked into Krystal. “Go sit somewhere”, Xavier said. “I’ll order for you. What do you want?”

            “Number 1”, I said. “High-C to drink.”

            “Okay”, he said as he walked off to order.

            I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and went on Facebook. I went to Nathan’s profile and saw that it was changed to single. I felt a sting of pain shoot through my heart as I refreshed the page and it said in a relationship with Kendra Liam. I clenched my jaw and went to change mine to in a relationship.

            “Here you go”, Xavier said as he came back and sat our food on the table.

            “Thanks, babe”, I said as I placed a fry in my mouth.

            “You’re welcome”, he said as he picked up one of the tiny burgers.

            I picked one up, too, but I paused with it up to my mouth as I looked up and saw Nathan and Kendra walk inside.

            “What’s he doing here”, I asked.

            “Who”, Xavier asked as he turned around. “Oh.”

            “And he’s with her”, I replied.

            “You’re moving on remember”, Xavier said as he grabbed my hand from across the table.

            “Right”, I said as I laced my fingers through his. “Moving on.”

            Then, Nathan and Kendra walked to a table and sat down with their food. I saw Nathan pull out his phone and, I’m guessing, he was going to check Facebook. I saw him clench his jaw as he read something and he looked over at me and Xavier. I turned my head from him focused on Xavier.

            “Are you okay”, he asked. “You look like you’re about to cry.”

            “Yeah, I’m fine.”

            “It’s Nathan, isn’t it”, Xavier asked as he nodded his head in their direction. “We can leave if you want to.”

            “Yeah, let’s go”, I said as we stood up. Then, we walked to the door and I could feel Nathan watching us the whole time.

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