Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“Thanks for letting me come over, Jenna”, I said as I walked into her house. “I’ll probably just stay for the night, then, I’ll go home tomorrow so I’ll be out of you way.”

“It’s no problem”, Jenna said as she came over to me with two plates of pizza. “But, you sounded like you were crying on the phone. Are you okay?”

I paused for a minute and thought about whether or not I should tell Jenna what happened. “Well…”, I started.

Nathan’s View

“Look, Nathan. I’m really sorry”, Caitlin said over the phone. “I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay”, I said. “You didn’t know. Stop apologizing. I forgive you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, but I really have to go now. Bye.”


After hanging up the phone with Caitlin, I dialed Matthew’s cell number.

“Hello”, he said.

“Hey, man”, I replied. “What are you up to?”

“Clarissa and I are at my house playing Call of Duty.”

“Of course you are. You two hang out a lot without me, you know that?”

“Yeah, so you’ve said before. What’s the sudden need to call in the middle of my game, though?”

“It’s a long story, actually”, I said. “Put it on speaker so Clarissa can hear. I need some advice or something.”

Olivia’s View

            “I told you to stay away from him”, Jenna said with her mouth full of pizza. “He always does this. He leads girls on and then dumps them like yesterday’s trash.”

            “I don’t know, Jenna”, I said. “He’s really not that bad. Seriously, for the short amount of time, he was the best boyfriend I’ve ever had.”

            “That’s how it starts off though. Trust me, he’s not the guy for you. It’s good that you broke it off with him.”

“I guess”, I said. “But, whatever, I need to call my parents and see how they’re doing.”

 I reached into my bag for my phone but it wasn’t there.

            “Where is it”, I said as I dug through my purse. “Ugh! I think I left it at Nathan’s house. I’ll be back, Jenna.”

            “No”, Jenna said a little too quickly. “You can’t go back over there. He’ll try to convince you to get back together or something.”

            “Jenna, chill”, I said as I scrunched my eyebrows at her. “I need my phone. I’ll be right back.”

Nathan’s View

            “I know it’s insane guys, but-”

            “But nothing”, Clarissa interrupted. “You just met this girl. You can’t seriously feel this way about her.”

            “I know, I know”, I said. “But, I don’t know any other way to explain it. I’ve never felt this way before except for with Caitlin.”

            “Yeah, but look how that turned out”, Matthew said. “You have a son and you’re not even with Caitlin anymore, nor do you have feelings for her.’

            “That’s my point”, I said. “This time it’s different. This time, I’ve really never felt this way before. God, I turned down sex for her!”

            “Are you mental? We all know that that’s your favorite activity.”

            “Yeah, now do you see my case?”

            “I guess. But, you’re broken up now aren’t you?”

            “Yeah, we are.”

            “Well, you need to get her back!”

            “How”, I asked.

            “Well”, Clarissa began, but the doorbell interrupted her.

I groaned and walked downstairs. “Hold that thought”, I said as I went to answer the door.

I opened the door to reveal Olivia standing there and I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. “You know, what”, I said into the phone. “I’ll call you guys back later.”

I hung up the phone and looked at Olivia. “What are you doing here”, I asked.

“I-uh. I left my phone here”, she said. “Can I come in and get it.”

“Um...yeah”, I said as I stepped to the side. “Come on in.”

Olivia’s View

            I walked upstairs to Nathan’s room and found my phone sitting on his dresser. I grabbed it and headed back downstairs. “Thanks”, I said as I headed for the door.

            “Wait”, Nathan said and I turned around to face him. I raised my eyebrow at him to motion for him to continue. “I...uh…um. I need to tell you something.”

            “Look, Nathan”, I said. “If it’s anything along the lines of ‘I want to get back together with you’ then save it because I don’t want to hear it.”

            “But, Olivia”, he said.

            “But, what”, I asked as I could feel tears forming in my eyes. “There’s nothing you can really say, Nathan. Just explain something to me. Why’d you kiss her, Nathan? Especially when I was only upstairs.”

            “I didn’t kiss her, Olivia. She kissed me!”

            “But, you kissed her back is my point!”

            “I know I did, okay”, Nathan said. “And it was the biggest mistake ever.”


            “Olivia, I really want you to be my girlfriend again, okay?”

            “And why should I do that”, I asked. “Please, enlighten me.”

            “Because, Olivia”, he said. “It’s just that…..I’ve already fallen in love with you.”

I could feel my loss of words as I realized what Nathan had just said to me. “What”, I said nervously.

“I said that I’m in love with you, Olivia”, he repeated as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

“I…no, I heard you the first time”, I said as I could hear my voice shake a little.


I paused for a moment and thought about it. “I-um, I love you, too, Nathan."

“You do?”

The way Nathan’s face immediately lit up made me smile instantly and I was no longer bad at him.

I nodded and walked up to him. “I’m not much for love at first sight, you know”, I said as I looked up at him.

“But, I can have that exception, right?”

I laughed and said, “Yeah, you can.”

Nathan smiled at me and pressed his lips to mine. “So does this me that you’re my girlfriend again”, he asked against my lips.

I smirked and said, “I think it does. But, you can't cheat on me ever again."

“I promise”, he said as he pressed his lips against mine again and lifted me off the ground.

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