Stupid Shit

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Omgggg 1K something views 😱 Thank you to everyone that reads my piece of shit book, its greatly appreciated 💖


I looked around my slightly dark room. I hated when the sun peaked in through the curtains. Some days I just wished it would rain all day so that the weather would match how I felt.

I rolled over and my eyes met with Donavan's dark bold brown ones. I watched him stand up as i curled my sheets over my chest. He accidentally hit his toe on my dresser. I quickly hit his arm warning him about waking up my mom or sisters. He let out a deep breath as quickly pulling up his pants and throwing his hoodie over his head. He said something in spanish that I didn't bother to understand. My eyes watched him as he sat down on the edge of my large bed putting his sneakers on. I rolled back over on my bed and let out a deep breath preparing myself to fall back asleep. He slapped my ass which was covered by the sheet and i gasped and kicked him with the back of my foot. He chuckled then quietly left my room making sure he didnt wake me or anyone else up.

Hours had passed and i woke up due to my sisters running up and down the hallway. I looked over at the clock and it read "2:20 PM" i sighed and sat up not wanting to leave my room but I had to. I needed to take a shower to get the smell of Donavan and sweat from sex off of my skin. I stood up and sprayed perfume so that whoever walked in couldnt smell him right away. Everyone who enters my room never ask to come in they just welcome themselves into my room.

I stood in the shower washing my skin enjoying the sweet scent of my body wash when my phone began to vibrate. I always kept it on silent because I hated when people called, if it wasn't who I wanted it to be then I didnt care. I rolled my eyes trying to wipe my wet soapy hand on a towel. I then quickly hit answer with my slightly wet finger and then I put my phone on speaker.

"Hello?!" I answered

"Hey bitch! What you doing right now?" My friend, Mya replied.

"Uhhh nothing just in the shower, why hoe?"

"Because I just got some free weed from Lenny and I cant smoke it all by myself so come get your fat ass over here and lets roll up"

"Do you got any bus money for me to get home cause Im not walking all the way from your crib over some whack ass weed from Lenny"

"Gurl I got you, just hurry up!"

I hung up and quickly began to wash the suds off of my body. I couldnt wait to get high to take everything off of my mind and just laugh and smile. I didnt care that it was temporary happiness as long as I was happy in that moment.

It took me an hour to get ready mainly because I had to put on my makeup and make it look all fleeky and what not. I grabbed my bag and dug through it looking for change to get on the bus with. Shit, I was low a quarter. I would just get on and ignore the fact that I was missing a quarter but the bus driver complains 99.9% of the time. I sighed and threw the change in my back pocket. I ran down the steps almost tripping over my youngest sisters bike that sat at the bottom of the stairs.

"What the fuck!? Move this bike" I yelled.

I walked into the living room looking for some shoes to put on. I looked up to see my mom napping on the couch, I tried to quiet down before I woke her up. A couple of my sisters ran down the stairs loudly yelling at each other about something stupid. I closed my eyes knowing that it was going to wake my mom up. She shot up off the couch staring directly at me.

"Goodmorning mommy dearest" I said before putting my shoes on.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked blinking violently trying to fully wake up.

"Just to Mya's house for a little" I replied.

"How are you getting there?" she began "I told you I didnt want you hanging out with her, shes a bad influence"

I rolled my eyes, if only she knew how much of my friend's parents say the same about me.

"I'm taking the bus there then getting a ride back. I'll only be gone for a little"

"Ask next time!"

"Ok, I will. Toodles." I said while giggling. Who says toodles anymore? I asked myself.

I walked out the door then began to get to the bus stop. I heard someone calling my name from a distance. It was a voice I knew so I turned around to see Cameron, who was my friend but also my ex. I stopped and waited for him to finish running up to me. When he caught up i continued walking as sweat dripped down his head.

"Why you walking so fast lil mama?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Why did I even let his dumb ass catch up to me?

"I cant miss my bus which comes in like 10 minutes."

"Nasty ass bus" he replied.

I hated getting on the bus, when I first started riding it I was so embarrassed. I felt like the bus was only for poor and homeless people who smelled of piss and alcohol. It was only until last year that I stopped giving a fuck about what people thought of me and stopped keeping riding the bus a secret. I dont have anyone to impress but myself.

I continued walking at a fast pace as he continued to walk beside me. He watched me as i looked directly ahead of me. I glanced over at him to interrupt his stares, he smirked and then grabbed my wrist.

"Come on Ana, what you in a hurry for?" He asked as stopping me in my tracks.

"I can't miss the bus Cameron the next one doesn't come for another hour dumb ass." I replied pulling my wrist from his grasp and continued walking. I laughed at his expression not knowing that what I said would hurt his feelings so much. He stopped walking and tugged on my wrist again. "What the fuck Cam stop it that shit hurts!" I yelled as he stood still in shock. He quickly lied on the ground as pulling me down with him.

Gun shots began to go off.

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