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I sat next to my Mom in the hospital room.

"I'm sorry for hitting you Ana."
My Mom said as a cast was wrapped around her neck. My Mom was apologizing? This was a rare moment, and I was kind of shocked at her saying sorry. I know that she truly meant it though.

"Its cool Mom. I can't believe Dad freaked out like that." I replied.

"I can."

The doctor walked in and began talking to my Mom about pain medication. My Mom can be a bitch sometimes but she's the only consistent person in my life And she cares and loves me more than anyone ever will. Its hard to remember that she's only looking out for me most of the time. She's been through so much, she doesn't need me disrespecting her too.

I had to leave later that night because I had school in the morning and so do my 4 little sisters. I also have 2 brothers but they both live with their Dad and only come over on the weekends. I kissed my Moms forehead before leaving. I caught the bus home and I was exhausted.

I walked in to see Cameron sleeping on the floor and Sia was sleeping up on the couch. I smiled, he would be such a good dad. Nick Jr. was on the TV and all of the lights were on. Cameron had his phone next to ear like he was waiting for a call.

I sat down next to him and began to run my fingers through his hair. His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me and smiled. He sat up and looked over at Sia who was sound asleep.

"You should go Cameron, we got school in the morning." I said to him.

"It ain't like I go" he chuckled. I raised a brow and he realized I was serious. "Ight, I'll go. You cool being here by yourself?"

"I can handle myself hun" I replied.

"You're like 5 feet tall" Cameron said as laughing. I began to laugh then did a little fake frown.

"Stop making fun of me"

He smiled then kissed my cheek. He hugged me then began to walk to the back door. We kissed goodbye and I told him to be safe. I watch him walk down the alley behind the house then closed and locked the door.

I slept on the couch with Sia and set an alarm on my phone, or like 20. I had an alarm set for every 5 minutes because I have a hard time waking up.

Sia ended up waking me up, she must've heard the alarms first. I got all of my sisters up and made sure they got dressed in their school uniforms. I dressed Sia in some clothes and I realized I had to take her to day care. I walked my sisters to their school bus stop and then began to walk Sia up to daycare. I walked into the Daycare and began to sign Sia in.

"Ana?! Is that you? Oh my goodness you got so big! You're all grown up!" A nurse there began. She began to count on her fingers "you must be what, 17 now?"

I smiled, even though I didn't remember her. "Yup" I replied.

"Oh you're dropping off Sia today where's your Mom?"


"She's in the ambulance" Sia interuppted.

"Oh my, what happened?!"

"Just a accident." I replied.

The older woman walked away and I leaned down to Sia's height and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Sia don't say anything about what happened to Mommy last night ok?" I said softly

"Ok." She replied. She hugged me then ran off and began to play with her little friends. If the daycare heard about this they would call child services and we didn't need to go through that again.

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