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Its so hard to trust someone who keeps giving me reasons not to. I love Cameron with all of my heart, he means so much to me but I can't allow myself to get hurt anymore, I refuse to. I forget that he's only human and that's he's young and makes mistakes but he's also smart and he knows better. He knows right from wrong and if he loved me enough he'd be able to control himself and make the right decision.

I sat in my room watching the rain run down my window. I looked down at my palms and let tears run down my face.

I then got a text on my phone. It was from Liza and she just got into an argument with her mom, she was wondering if she could crash here. I texted her back telling her to bring her ass over.

I sat in the door way of my house waiting for Liza's arrival. I watched the rain fall and it brought me peace. When I saw Liza walking up to my steps I smiled. She was wet and her hair was dripping. I quickly brought her in and brought her up to my room handing her a towel. Liza then hugged me tightly and I felt her tears begin to hit my t-shirt.

"I'm done with my mami." She began. "She's a bad person "

"What do you mean?"

"Mami just got married, thinking she found her a good man.... And you know what I thought he was good too, until I walked in on him raping my sister. She's only 14"

"Oh my god."

"You know what the most fucked up part is? She's still with him like he didn't rape her daughter or something"

"Is that why you guys were arguing?"

Liza nodded and broke down into tears again. I told her to get some sleep and she sat on the edge of my bed saying she was thinking.

Liza woke me up a couple hours later dressed in all black. I checked my phone for the time and it read '4:23 am'.

"Liza what the fuck?" I asked as getting up out of bed.

"We got to get this mother fucker back before the sun comes up"

"No Liza, just come back to bed. You ain't thinking right right now."

"Look I'm doing this with or without you. Either way its being done, so are you in or are you out?"

I looked up at her and nodded. I got off of the bed and dressed in all black. We looked like a couple of thieves in the night. We walked out of the house and went directly to Liza's house. She lived about 5 minutes away when you're speed walking because you don't want to get caught by the cops for breaking the city's curfew.

When we got to Liza's house, we went in through the back door. Liza hadn't told me a plan, she just told me to 'go with it'. When we walked in we saw her step dad asleep on a recliner with the TV blasting in front of him. Liza told me to get duct tape from out of the basement and bring it up. I quickly ran down into the basement and took a minute to breath and then ran back upstairs. Liza was standing over her step dad when I walked up. I saw tears running down her face and she was extremely angry. Her step dad then woke up shocked and Liza punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"We gotta bring him into the basement!" Liza whispered.

I handed Liza the tape and she put it over his mouth. I grabbed his legs and Liza grabbed him by his shoulders. We almost dropped him down the steps multiple times but we managed to get him down. Liza bent him over the a pool table that resided down there. She then grabbed rope and we both wrapped it around him and then around the pool table. Liza clearly had a plan that she didn't want to say out loud. Then pulled down her step dads pants exposing his butt. Her little sister, Rosé then walked down the steps rubbing her eyes. Mines and Liza's eyes widened and they began to speak in Spanish. Liza then hugged Rosé who was now crying. I looked over at their step dad who was now waking up.

"Guys" I said as he began to struggle.

Rosé began to slowly walk over to him, she then broke down in tears again and began to punch his back. She yelled at him in Spanish as tears rolled down her cheeks. She then took the pool stick and shoved it up his ass. He began to cry muffled tears from the tape being over his mouth.

"You like that you fucking rapist?!" Liza yelled in his ear. I just stood there knowing that he deserved it but also scared as hell. I've never seen this side of Liza before. It was so dark and evil. After Rosé finished what she was doing she sat on the ground crying. She cried into her knees as Liza told him to leave and never return. Liza began to hug Rosé.

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