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🌹 Anastasia's POV 🌹

I sat in the waiting room looking down at my bloody hands. Mya sobbed into Goat's shoulder and Cameron just kept staring at me to make sure I was okay.

The doctor then came out.
"Rodriguez family?"

Me and Mya stood up and walked towards him scared of what he was going to say.

I watched his lips move as he said "Ginger didn't make it, I'm so sorry for your lost"

Mya broke down in tears crying she fell onto the ground and I stood there in silence not knowing what to say. Tears streamed down my face as I watched Mya begin to punch the walls. Goat pulled her back and she fell into him sobbing. Cameron came up and hugged me tightly. But I didn't move at all I just stood there shocked.

This is all my fault. I knew that he was hurting her and didn't do anything about it. I allowed him to do this to her. She couldn't call the cops because they might've realized that her papers were fake. But her safety was more important . I wish I would've known that then.

Mya began to punch Goat and I grabbed her and she hugged me as crying. I began to cry harder and held onto her tightly.

The ride home was silent. When we pulled up we saw the cops pulling out Devon in a body bag. Mya began to nervously bite her nails. She told me everything that happened while we waited in the waiting room. Devon deserved to be killed.

When we got out of the car a detective walked up to Mya telling her he needs to ask her questions.

"I ain't do shit wrong" she said as her voice broke.

I began to rub her shoulder as Goat quickly drove away.

Him and Cameron are on probation and shouldn't be around all these cops.

I took Mya's hand but the cop broke us apart setting her into a cop car. I watched tears roll down her face but there was nothing I could do.

"Just tell the truth." I said to her from outside the window. She nodded as the car drove away

As walking home Goat pulled up beside me without Cameron.

"Can we talk?" He asked as slowly following me in his car.

"This isn't the time dumb ass" I replied angrily wondering what the fuck he was thinking.

He continued to drive next to me and I rolled my eyes and hopped into his car.

He began to drive and at first it was just silent.

"I miss you shawty." He said breaking the silence.

I looked over at him disgusted. This nigga really thinks that I'm going to repair what we once had? Its too late. He wanted me to ask him to stay. But the thing about me is that if you hurt me once I won't forgive you. I've given men way too many chances to just forget and forgive. If your actions show that you want to leave then I will let you go.

"Can we just.... Be friends?" I asked as looking over at him.

"I can't just be friends with someone I have feelings for" he replied.

"Fine then let's be fucking strangers."

"Why you acting like this?"

"My friend just fucking died" I said as my voice broke. He pulled over and tried to hug me but I hit his chest. I broke down into tears and cried into his shirt.


60th Part 💘 Thank you for the lil views and likes I appreciate it 💋

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