Spilling The Tea

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My mom yelled at me for an hour straight. When she finally tired herself out I walked out of the house hoping to go to Mya's. When I opened the front door I saw Mya sitting on the step with her head in her lap.

She looked up at me with her mascara running and tears falling down her face. I sat down next to her not asking any questions. Usually if you talk to Mya while she's upset she'll take all of her emotions out on you. I learned that the hard way.

"I'm pregnant." She cried breaking the silence.

My eyes widened in shock. I put my red cup full of alcohol and fruit punch next to me. She shook her head as crying. I began to rub her back not sure what to say. It seemed like everyone around me was getting pregnant. It seemed like now a days its a miracle to make it past 18 without having a baby and/or getting pregnant.

"And-and it's Cliff's fucking baby." Mya said drunkly. I took my hand off of her back and stood in front her lifting her head by her chin.

"Why Cliff?" I forced myself to ask.

"It was a one time thing." she began. "Or a couple time thing. It dont matter I cant have no baby Ana! I aint ready for that shit. And my coochie going to be destroyed after."

I let out a giggle and she drunkly smiled.

"Is that why you were drinking so much tonight?" I asked.

"I guess."

Mya laid her head on my shoulder and continued to sob. I took her by the wrist and brought her up to my room. She threw herself on my bed and quickly fell asleep. I laid down next to her ready to pass out.

My phone began to randomly ring. I looked over at my clock, it read '12:47'. I answered the phone to hear Cameron's voice.

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