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🌹 3 Weeks Later 🌹

Cameron's POV

Its been 3 weeks since I've touched or talked to my baby. I miss her laugh, I miss her smile and I miss everything about her. She kept me sane and kept me on the right path. I feel lost without her.

Me and Dawn are now dating. She's just someone to have around and suck my dick pretty much. She's a dumb ass though, no where near as pretty or smart or kind as Anastasia.

I can't believe she left me for my best friend. I'm truly hurt right now. Every time I think about it I get angry. I started dating Dawn out of spite and to hurt Anastasia like she hurt me. It seems like she's doing the same exact thing to make me hurt too. Even though its not showing, its working.

Anastasia sat down at the lunch table with her friends. She was laughing and smiling. When she caught me staring she quickly looked away.

"Come here mama." I said as looking over at Dawn who was chatting with her followers. She had a ugly personality but a fat ass. I usually go for chubby girls like Anastasia but this was a change of pace and I was liking it a little bit.

Dawn rolled her eyes and sat down on my lap.

"Daddy I need to get my nails done." Dawn said as rubbing my shoulder.

"Have fun with that." I replied.

"I was thinking that you'd help me out and that I'd do the same for you." Dawn said as placing her hand over my crotch. I was lowkey hoping that Anastasia would see.

"I see what you're saying baby." I said as pulling $20 out of my pocket.

"My toes gotta look pretty too just for you Daddy."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out another 20 and handed it to her. She kissed my cheek and walked away with her friends. Anastasia would never ask me for money. I kept finding myself comparing Dawn and Anastasia when the truth is, Dawn can't compete where she doesn't compare.

Once lunch was over Anastasia got up throwing her plate in the trash. She was smiling and laughing and completely unbothered by me.

Goat walked up to Ana before they walked down the steps. He was making her laugh and smile and he reached in for a kiss but she turned her head. I chuckled and got up to walk to my class.

After school Goat sat against his SUV and called my name. I walked over to him ready to punch his ass in face.

"Look my nig let me give you a ride home" Goat said as I walked up to him with my hands in my pockets.

"I dont want no guilt trip nigga." I replied.

"Just get in"

I shrugged and got in his car.

"Look bro we gotta talk" Goat said breaking the silence.

"Bro? Nigga I ain't your bro. You trying to fuck around with MY girl and now you want to call me your bro. You got some nerve Lil nigga."

"What you want me to feel sorry or something? You couldn't take care of her so I stepped up!"

"Man, fuck this! Let me out."

"So you just going to run away like a little bitch as always."

I punched Cameron in the face making him swerve the car. He pulled over, we were on the highway. We both got out and he punched me in the face.

We began to fight until we were broken up by some hippies that had pulled over.

"Violence is not the answer!" The girl hippy yelled as breaking us up.

The guy hippy held Goat back and Goat yelled "Get the fuck off of me you smell like piss and ass!"

I began to crack up even though I had a bloody nose.

"Dude, we're just trying to help" the guy said as letting Goat go.

"You need to start helping that breath of yours" I said as holding my nose. Goat began to laugh.

The two hippies rolled their eyes and got back into their car and pulled off.

"Look bro, I don't like all this fighting shit. We been friends since we were kids man."

"I feel you but just give me some time to rest up and shit"

Goat nodded and then slightly smiled, he had a busted lip. We both got back into his car and he dropped me off.

I walked into my mom's apartment and she was smoking a dutch. My little sister, Brooke came up to me gasped.

"What happened to your face boy?" My mom asked .

"I walked into a door." I replied.

"More like a fist" Brooke said as laughing. I hit her shoulder and she kicked me.

"Come here for a second Cam." My mom called. I stopped play fighting with my little sister.

"Yes, mam" I said as walking into the living room.

"Clean yourself up boy, your father coming soon to drop off some money and you can't be looking like that"

I rolled my eyes.

"You better stop that shit before you have a black eye too"

I nodded and went directly into the bathroom staring at my bloody nose. I gasped in pain as washing it off. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room and began to play GTA 5. It was mines and Ana's favorite game to play together. She'd get into these little moods where she'd try to drive like a normal person. She'd then continue to run over everyone in site and steal their money. Thinking about it made me chuckle. Brooke then appeared in my doorway.

"I called Ana today off of one of your phones and she didn't answer... She always answers" She said concerned.

"Ana ain't my girlfriend anymore Brooke." I replied looking down.

"Does that mean she won't come over and play anymore?"

"Yeah Brooke that's exactly what it means" I snapped.

She looked down and I felt bad.

"Why don't you get me past this level" I said as handing her the controller.

"But you finished the game Cam" she said as rolling her eyes.

"Brooke." I said sternly.

"Fine." She said and then sat in front of my bed playing the game.

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