Worth It (MPREG)

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Loud screaming and groaning were heard from the inside of the room, and after a while, a cry of a baby was heard. Romano panted hard and loosened his grip on his lover, Spain.

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" the private doctor exclaimed happily, then goes to clean the blood stained baby boy.

"Did you heard the doctor, Roma? It's a boy! I have another niño!" Spain whispered to his lover and nuzzles his cheek on the other's.

"I heard him, bastard.." Romano panted.

"Roma, I'm so happy!" Spain cooed.

"Yeah.. Me too.." and with that, Romano dozed off from exhaustion, a ghost smile playing on his lips.

A knock on the door made the Spaniard snap out of his thoughts.

"Come in," he said. A nurse with a sleeping bundle in her arms came in and carefully walked towards Spain.

"Sir," the nurse called with a smile, handing the baby to Spain. The Spaniard smiled back and carefully took the baby in his arms. The nurse quietly slipped out of the room.

"Caius.." Spain smiled widely. The baby made a happy sound that made his father chuckle.

Meanwhile, the mother of the baby slowly woke up at the sound of his baby.

"Sp-Spagna?" called Romano. Spain looked at his lover.

"Caius will be his name.. Caius Vargas Fernández Carriedo.." he said.

Romano smiled, "I love it.." his gaze fell upon his son. "Caius.. May I hold him?"

Spain chuckled, "Of course." he then laid their son beside his mother. Romano looked down at his son, tears of joy falling out of his eyes.

"Caius.." he laughed. "It kinda sounds like chaos, bastard. But I love it.."

Spain scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah.. It just came out of my mouth.."

Just then, the other SpaMano love children came in together with their cousins.





Spain and Romano chuckled but then shushed them in fear that their newly born son will woke up. They all apologized in a whisper then goes to their parents and uncles. Their lips formed into a genuine smile as they saw the child.

"Papà, what is his name?" the oldest of the five, now six, siblings, Rome asked.

"Caius," the parents said in unison. All of them grinned widely and resisted the urge to make some unnecessary noises (mainly Rome and Venice).

"And he's going to represent the city of Seville, Spain."

After a few days of stay in the hospital, the whole family head back to their household; the mother not letting anyone to carry the baby.

"Roma! Let me at least carry our niño!" came the whine of the father, who earned a glare from the mother.


"So selfish. That's my son too, you know," Spain pouted which made Romano roll his eyes.

"Shut up, fucker. As if you're the one who gave birth to Caius," retorted the mother.

"As if I didn't gave birth to Rome.." Spain mumbled quietly.

"What was that, bastard?"

"Oh nothing, mi amor!" Spain smiled sheepishly.

"Tch," Romano paid attention to the baby in his arms.



"Next time we have some 'fun', let's use some condo-"

"Bastard, the baby might hear you!"

A/N: So there you have it! I've revealed the name, gender, and the city the baby'll represent! :D

Hope you like it XD

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