I See

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Slowly opening my eyes, I saw darkness. Looking around, I still see darkness. Everywhere is darkness, there is no light. Not even a single light.

What's happening?

I could feel my breathe becoming shallow as I panicked. The air is so cold, there is no warmth. I gripped whatever my hands caught, and I felt bedsheets. I should be feeling warmth with this bedsheets on me, but why don't I? This is weird, and scary. I tried to calm down, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Somehow, it helped me a bit. Now, it is my turn to try and hear if someone's there. I even held my breathe so that I could only hear my surroundings. Seconds passed and I couldn't hold my breathe anymore, and I inhaled sharply, in need of air.

Well, why would I? There's no one here—I could only hear some beepings, some ventilation sounds, and some sounds I couldn't make out. I could only see darkness, I could only feel some things, I couldn't hear anybody, just things. I sighed, and tried to reach out for something, anything useful for me. Though I know, deep down, that I'm trying to reach the light that I couldn't see over the darkness. Clenching my fists, I smashed both of my hands on the bedsheets. Somehow, the place I'm in is sickly familiar, and I want to throw up from that fact. And then, I noticed, that something was dripping down my cheeks, wet and cold. Slowly, I reached up and touched it.

Tears; when have I started crying? Why? I smashed my fists down on the bedsheets again, frustrated. I'm sick of this! What's happening?! I don't have any clue! Ah, wait, if I could move both my hands.. maybe I could move my feet as well, and go try to look for a way to get the hell away from the darkness. Sounds like a plan. I then tried to move my feet, and indeed they are working. I pulled the bedsheets off of me and threw it aside as I sat on the edge of the bed (I have figured that out since there are bedsheets after all), my arms outstretched so I could feel if there's something on my way. I stood up shakily, and slowly started to walk, moving my arms everywhere. I don't care if I look pathetically stupid, but I need to find a way!

Unexpectedly, I hit over something since I couldn't see from the darkness, and I lost my balance. I reached out for something for me to hold on and I felt one, but I brought it with me on the floor, and I heard a shattering sound coming from my hand. It was the thing I was holding onto. There's a sting on my hand, and I winced in pain. Something slid down my palm, it's cold and wet like my tears a while ago, but this is somehow different. I sat up, and I accidentally (and stupidly) used my injured hand to help me up, and I felt an intense pain from it so I fell again onto the floor.

Ithurtsithurtsithurts.. I thought, clutching my injured hand gently, tears gathering on the corners of my eyes, my heart beating too fast. Ithurtsithurtsithurts! It hurts so much! Help!

"P-Please.. h-h-help me.." I whispered weakly, tears now flowing freely from my face yet again. It hurts so much, everything hurts, that's why I screamed. I screamed in pain. I screamed, hoping that someone would hear me, someone would tell me that it's just a dream, that everything is just a dream.

But it feels so real to be a dream.

I hadn't notice my uninjured hand reaching out, nor a door opening and footsteps coming on my way, and grabbed my uninjured hand, and that's when I noticed that someone had came. That someone hugged me, and warmth. I finally could feel the warmth.

There's still darkness though, no light appearing.

Then, the person pulled me closer, and I could feel his breathe on my ear as he whispered to me.

"It's okay, Lovi. It's okay, everything's fine.." I immediately recognized that voice. Of course I would.

"A-Antonio.." I whispered back, hugging him and cried on what I think is his shoulder. "I-I'm scared."

"Shh, I'm here Lovi, mi amor. You don't have to be scared, okay?" I felt him pulled away from me a bit, and I also felt something soft on my forehead. I assumed it was his lips; his lips are soft after all. "I'm always here. I'll guide you, Lovi. Everything's fine."

I cried for a little bit more, and finally my cries had ceased after a while. Both of us aren't saying anything, until I decided to ask him the question that bothers me for a while now.

"What's happening, Toni? Why couldn't I see, yet I could feel and hear things?" I felt him froze, and I made a confused expression until it hit me.


Now I understand why it's so dark.

"I see.." was all I mumbled, as he hugged me tighter at those two words.

I couldn't, after all.

A/N: I finally updated! I'm sorry for the wait (and all that errors in the one shot), there's so much I have to do at school that I couldn't write much, plus I have a writer's block! I also am not that much active on this account of mine, since I'm on my roleplay account. So yeah, until the next time again! :>

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