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"Hey Lovi! Have you heard about the firework's show tonight!?" an excited Spaniard told his grumpy Italian friend, who sat in his seat with his head resting on the table before him.

"Yeah, and so what?" the Italian boy named Lovino raised his head up to look at his friend. "It's not like I care anyway." he laid his head on the table again.

"Of course you do! And you will come with me, right? Right?" the Spaniard named Antonio exclaimed. Lovino raised his head abruptly to stare at him, his heart beating fast.

"What?" Lovino whispered-yelled, his face going red. "What the hell are you going on about?!" shit, why is he like this? What is wrong with him these days?

"Exactly as what I had said!" Antonio grinned, that grin Lovino love to see.. "So, will you come with me?"

"No," Lovino deadpanned. "I have some shit to do. Like homework." he started to pack his things in his bag, his face still blushing with a scowl adorning it.

How cute, Antonio mused in his mind. But wait..

"Please, please!" he pleaded Lovino. "Come with me! It's more fun to watch fireworks with someone!"

With a huff, Lovino stood up, slipping his bag on his shoulder.

"Whatever," was all he said as he started to walk away from the now sighing Spaniard. But before he could leave the room, he stopped.

"Pick me up at exactly 5pm," he said without turning around. "Don't come late, jerk bastard."

Then he ran.

And he regretted it, of course, because he never got to see a very happy Spaniard.


He's running late.

Lovino weaved a sigh and looked at his watch again. Tick, tock, tick, tock. He dropped his hand and frowned. And then, what if's started to cloud his mind. What if he changed his mind? What if he never show up? What if he's with someone else? What if it's just a stupid dare or bet from his friends? What if? What if, so many what if's!

His thoughts were cut off as he heard sounds of someone running, and it looks like it's going to his way. His heart paced up, and he slowly looked up. He regretted it, because his heart beats faster than before. But somehow, he doesn't, because he got to see an extremely handsome Spaniard running to him. Wait a minute..

His face burned red as he cursed under his breathe for thinking such thing.

"Lovi!" said the man breathlessly, but he didn't pause to regain his breathe as he tackled Lovino in a big hug. "I'm sorry, I'm late! Very late! Oh, and I am the one who invited you! This is embarrassing!"

"Chigi!! Get the fuck off, and shut the fuck up!" Lovino managed to push away Antonio, his blush still on his cheeks. "Of course you're late! I waited, no, wasted my life for fucking seconds, and minutes, waiting for you to come show up! Tomato jerk!"

Antonio scratched the back of his neck. "Well, yes, I did.. But I am here now, am I not? So.." he grabbed Lovino's hands with his gently and gave him a warm smile. "Shall we now go?"

Lovino couldn't breathe. He could not think. All he know as of know, was that Antonio held his hand. Shit, he's still holding it! Oh my God, what should he do, he must do something! Anything!

..a mistake.

He pulled his hand back, "Okay." was all he said and starts to walk away. He mentally face palmed at his actions. Why was he so stupid? He then heard footsteps nearing him, and he saw Antonio by his peripheral vision, who was smiling, but his smile.. Lovino swore he saw it before, and it isn't good.

"I'll lead the way!" Antonio exclaimed and chuckled, making Lovino roll his eyes.

"Shut up, jerk bastard."

Though, he could not shake the feeling he's been feeling these past few weeks. And he could not decipher what the hell this feeling is, whenever he's around Antonio.

They were just inches apart, both of their hands dangling on each of their sides. Though, the man with a wild curl was tempted to grasp that hand in his since it was just a little inches apart, but he couldn't. No, he wouldn't dare to.

They looked up as they both heard a loud burst, and both realized that the show has started. Both couldn't help but stare in awe as they watched the fireworks explode up in the sky. Suddenly, the man with soft, chocolate curls glanced to the side.

"Pretty, aren't they?" said Antonio with a big grin of his, that Lovino wanted to see everyday. The said Italian nodded, as he glanced at Antonio too, but he looked away quickly as his cheeks burned yet again. Those cheeks of him need to cool down. Antonio chuckled and glanced back up at the show before them.

Lovino secretly glanced to his side, and instead of watching the show, he watched the man beside him stare at the fireworks with amusement.

A small smile managed to form in his lips, and suddenly, he knew what this feeling is. He suddenly knew what he feels for Antonio. He suddenly knew the risk he is taking.

But, he couldn't help but hear the small voice in the back of his mind, shouting that he must tell him his feelings now.

He didn't notice the fireworks show ended, neither did he notice Antonio calling him. Though, when a warm hand was placed on his shoulder, he glanced at his side. He saw a grinning Antonio, and he swore, that behind those green, sparkling eyes, something want to escape. But he dismissed it, as Antonio spoke.

"Gracias, Lovi.. you don't know how much I am thankful-and happy-that you're here with me," his smile turned into a sweet one. "I'm so glad.." he hugged Lovino tight, and surprisingly, the Italian hugged back.

"Shut up, chigi. Don't say such embarrassing things.." he lightly pushed the Spaniard away, and he looked away with a dark blush. Antonio laughed, and it makes Lovino want to laugh too. Instead, he rolled his eyes at the Spaniard.

"Ha ha. Funny," Lovino glared at Antonio. The Spaniard uttered an apology, and took a brief glance at his watch.

"Hey, it's getting late. We should better get home now, or else your Grandpa will kill me." Antonio chuckled. "It was really nice having you here, Lovi. Now come on," Antonio smiled at him and started to walk away. But Lovino just stood there, the voice in his mind now shouting louder that he should tell him his feelings now.

He shut his eyes tight, and has decided. He ran to the Spaniard, and then the final firework burts through the sky.

"Please don't go away!"

Clutching the hem of the shirt, stopping the man from and to refrain himself from running away.

No, he can't run away. Not now.

"I.. I want to tell you something..."

Shit, is he ready for this? He didn't thought through this! Ugh, this is insane!

"Hm? What is it Lovi?"

Replacing the surprised look from his face to a concerned one, he looked to the boy clutching his shirt.

"Uh.. Anto.. nio.. I..."


I've always..

"I've fallen for you!"

And of course, he smiled so sweetly with that look on his face.

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