Lovino Vargas

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You know what I really hate the most?

It was Lovino Vargas. Care to know why? You probably won't care anyway, but I'm still gonna tell you all why.

It's because he's rude. He can't control his temper. He always wear a sour look on his face, and he never smiles. He was lazy, he was worthless; just good for nothing. He was so much unlike his brother, who was outstanding, smart, cute, talented; all in all, he was so perfect. People always had liked him, and never Lovino. And you know what I hated more about this stupid brat?

It was the fact that he trusted so easily.

Yes. Lovino Vargas trusted people so easily that he was taken for granted. Lovino Vargas trusted people easily that he was always hurt. Lovino Vargas was very forgiving. And I hate it. Despise it—all of Lovino Vargas? Yeah. I despise it all.

But then this idiot boy came into his life: he had chocolate curls, tanned skin, his lips that seemed as if it was always curled up into a smile, his nose that adorned his face, long eyelashes, perfect eyebrows, and God—those eyes. Those bright and mysterious green eyes that always seemed to hypnotize Lovino Vargas whenever he looked at him. He was held captive by those eyes, and he liked it. He knew it was wrong, but it felt so right. The way the butterflies in his stomach whenever the boy casted his gaze towards Lovino? God, it was so... so good. Those hands too, if Lovino was to hold one of those, damn. Their hands fitted oh-so-perfectly together, and the contact will send electricity down his spine in a good way. The way his heart beats for this man—it hurts, but it was also good. He was crazy for this man.

He had trusted this man—he really did! But what did he do? Break it. He broke it like what many others have done. And Lovino Vargas never cried so hard in life.

That tragic event that happened once in his life seemed to awaken something in Lovino Vargas. He had learnt to not trust people, and people seemed to not like it very much. Ah, but let me rephrase that—people seemed to hate Lovino Vargas more, and he was never been so glad in his life about his decision.

To be honest, Lovino Vargas was a very good boy. He was once an innocent, sweet and a loving young boy, and then people just had to corrupt him, turning him into some hateful creature. He was unloved, and his heart became dark, as if it was no longer feeling emotion; just numbness.

I know that I may have seemed to go astray from the topic, but what can I possibly do?

Silence engulfed the whole class as the student in front of them had finished reading, guilt swallowing them whole—especially that one student sitting from the back of the class. All of their attention was fully captured by the emotionless Italian, who went to sit back down to his seat wordlessly.

"Alright," their teacher began slowly. "Thank you, Mister Vargas. Next up is Mister Fernández."

Once the student's name at the back was called, he abruptly stood up in surprise, his chair falling backwards that created an awful sound echoing in the room. Most of the students flinched at the sudden noise, but his seatmate, on the other hand, was still calm as ever. "Fernández" fixed his chair, then walked in front of the whole class to began reading.

"Reasons why I love Lovino Vargas."

The Spaniard briefly looked up from his paper to look at the boy, who was looking up at him in surprise at the mention of his name. Victory one: catch his attention. A small smile flashed across the speaker's face as he continued reading his work aloud.

"First and the most important of all; he is perfect and must be loved. Completely off topic, but I'm still saying this: I'm sorry, Lovino Vargas. Would you forgive me and let us start over?"

Should he?

A/N: I'm sorry this is terrible. It's like a vent-y thing; I was sad when I wrote this. I wasn't very proud of this, but I hope you like it?

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