Really Sure

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It was that time of year again, where families would gather to celebrate holidays together and bond once again.

Lovino has another plans though.

It still going to be a family gathering, but there will be an addition. It actually started out as a joke, but then the more he thought about it, the more serious it got until it wasn't a joke anymore. He had thought hard about it, the 'what if' scenarios flowing continuously in his brain like a river, the late night thoughts, and his decision.

"Pà," his voice seemed shaky, so he cleared his throat and tried once again. "Pà."

A booming voice filled his ear, and a smile spread itself on his face like a butter on a hot toast. Hearing his father once again made his heart flutter, a sigh escaping his lips. He couldn't wait to get home for holidays.

"Lovino! Figlio mio," but the young adult would at least admit that he was annoyed by the loud voice; it seems that his father was still not used to modern phones. "How are things there? Are you coming home for Christmas? What food do you want for Christmas Eve? Say it, and I'll cook for it! Oh, do you want to cook with me like the old times? Just think about it, son, it'll be real fun! We, together with your brothers, could cook for Christmas Eve! Sì, sì."

Lovino didn't mind the chattering, it just made him forget what he was supposed to say for just a minute. He stayed silent throughout his father's talking and even when he's finished.


"Ah—" said Italian's thoughts came to a stop when he heard his name being called. A sick feeling resurfaced in the pit of his stomach once he realized the reason why he called his father in the first place. "Um. Yes, Pà?"

"È tutto a posto?"

He nodded, muttering an agreement in his native language, gathering his courage to say it by taking in a deep breath and sighed, "I'm... bringing home a friend of mine."

Then there was silence. It certainly didn't help Lovino's growing anxiety, only making it worse than before. Hands shaking, heart most likely exploding, a weight in his stomach dropping, he had wished that he didn't thought of this and only passed it of as another joke. He was sure that his father would get mad at him for bringing a friend home, scolding him as it was only a family gathering, getting very distant from him, and then— 

"Are you sure it's just a friend of yours?" 

Lovino hadn't expect that. His father's tone was a teasing one, and it was definitely not angry. Far from it, actually, and it threw him off guard. Then he began to stutter, a furious blush appearing on his cheeks, trying to explain that his 'friend' is just indeed a friend, but stopped himself sooner because there was no point in trying to insist that it's just a friend—his father knows it isn't just a friend, plus Lovino would introduce him to his family as a boyfriend anyway. He instead kept quiet after spouting some nonsense to the phone, his blush still evident on his face, and his father began to laugh on the other line. The pout on Lovino's face morphed into a smile, as he was too, letting out small chuckles of his own.

He was sure this holiday is going to be more special than the other ones.

But that doesn't mean he still isn't going to be nervous about it!

"Mi amor," the man beside him called and put his hand over his, calming him down a little bit. Lovino turned and was met by soft lips grazing his forehead; he relaxed even more and leaned into the touch. "Ay, you're so tense. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be okay! So relax just a bit, 'kay?"

Lovino just nodded, sighing the remaining stress from his nerves and pouted up at his lover, who chuckled down at him, "Really sure?"

"Yes. I'm really sure."

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