365 Letters

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"J-Just.. don't forget to write damn letters to me, okay?"

He said to me, and everyday I do.

Everyday, I wrote letters to him. But I never even got at least one letter from him. I never once forgot to write letters to him, and I think he do. I hope he don't though.

Almost half a year already have passed, and I'm still writing to him.

I wonder why he still haven't respond to all my letters yet?

Maybe because he's just busy, he's a nation after all and he has errands to do for his country. Or maybe.. he did forgot to write letters back. No, impossible. I'll go for the first option; I know he didn't forgot me. He wouldn't.

They keep on telling me that I should stop sending letters to him because he won't send letters back to me. And I keep on telling that I don't care, even though on the inside, I'm battling on whether I should follow them or not.

And I didn't follow them.

One more month until the start of a new year, and I've entirely lost hope that he still remember me. But even so, I'll still write letters to him; that's the only way on how I can express my love for him.

Today's the last day of this year, and I already finished the last letter for him his year. I sighed as I put down my pen. I'll go out later, as of now, I'll just relax for a bit.

I reminisce the times when I was with him, and a small but loving smile crept in my face.

I was just writing my first letter for him for this year, when a ring of my doorbell interrupted me so. I groaned a bit and stood up, walking to the front door only for me to find out that I have a letter. I immediately went for it and read it.

'Dear Pomodoro Bastardo,

Ciao bastard. So I've received this three hundred and sixty-fucking-five letters (I chuckled a bit at this part) that you wrote for the entire year. Why would you even do that?! I never said everyday literally! I just expected for you to write at least once in a month or something shit like that (even though I received your letters a little late.. but that's not what it matters here!). You're such a stupid bastard..

Ah yeah, I may be able to visit you around this month or so. And eh.. I just wanted you to know that...

I missed you and (I couldn't read this part because it's scribbled out. Unfair!)! Don't get the wrong idea! I just do and shut up! I can hear your stupid laugh all the damn way here!

So yeah. That's all, bastard. Have a good fucking day.


Lovino Vargas (Southern Italy)'

I stared at the letter for a few moments and then the doorbell rang again. A bright smile made its way in my face as I opened the front door and revealed the person I loved.

"Tomato bastard, I did told you that I'll be able to visit you, right? So here I am. And put that goddamned letter away now, damn it! It's fucking embarrassing!"

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