Family .vs. Friends {36}

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Chapter 36

POV: Sang Sorenson

Date Published: 9 June 2016

Sorry it took forever! I'll post the next one in the next couple of weeks

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

It was like one of those moments where something overwhelms you so much that you just find yourself floating around in your thoughts-like your mind knew you needed a break and decided to just let you disconnect for a while. Except that in my disconnect, my mind wandered back to Bryan, and the other possibilities of why he was here and hadn't told me.

We hadn't talked much lately-because he refused to answer my calls, respond to my texts, or skype requests--but he had come for a week-long visit that I had really needed. He'd shown me love and support while also being there for our father and getting to know our new siblings and step mother along with soothing whatever worries he might have been harboring about the situation.

But how was it possible that he was back in Charleston, South Carolina? Screw that, how was he in Ashley Waters and I didn't know about it?

Wil was busy keeping an eye on Hendricks for me. Like I said, I wasn't stupid at all. I knew he was up to something and told Wil to stay inside of the system-the school system, Hendricks' cell phone and laptop, etc.-as long as he could without being detected so that we would know the first move Hendricks made and could stop him as soon as possible.

Whatever he was up to, I wasn't going to let him catch some plane and get away scot free.

But the point is, Wil was busy watching that slime ball. So who else could have told me about Bryan? I trusted my brother, I honestly did, but there were too many things happening at once for them to all be coincidences.

I hadn't trusted Mickey from the moment she'd appeared in class and Rocky told me of her rocky past. Then she joins with Marie in an attempt to overthrow me-I sound as if I'm a monarch clinging to a throne-with petitions and cheerleader popularity because of her connections with Jade who had been taking potshots at me whenever she saw me but that was nothing new.

Michael was acting normally but, for a creep like him, was that actually ever going to be a good thing?

I came to the conclusion that it made sense for me not to know what was going on because there was no one to tell me. But it was so unfair! Why was my brother here and why was he kissing some some some new girl?!

I came back to reality when my thoughts began to run in circles and give me a headache.

And then the present scene in front of me gave me one too.

The last time I had seen this particular guy, he was really pale and lying on a cot in the nurse's office.

Dr. Green had just assured him that he would be fine though I had silently doubted it.

"Max? What's this? What's going on?"

He held a tiny white box in one hand and raised it to his mouth before laughing into it, the distorted voice from before clearly being his. "The Gross-Out failed; you saw the dead cat and the blood and actually cleaned the shit up. He didn't even get caught with the stuff in his locker because of you!"

The girl-Jade which I really should've guessed before now-interjected "Who does that? Do you know how much it costs to buy cat blood? The shit isn't cheap you know. And that grey furball didn't have much in him anyway."

Max pursed his lips and looked to the heavens as if asking for patience. "SHE! Karma was a girl." He then nodded at the final person, Jay. "Would you take your sister back to the school and take care of the rest of the plan?"

Jay nodded, his expression as solemn and unreadable as normal. But he paused in his leaving to sneer "Trusty needle my ass."

His bald cleanly shaven head near gleaming in the afternoon sunlight, and broad football player shoulders held high in an unconscious display of pride and high self-confidence, he stalked away, a man on a mission.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?! I felt like I was in one of those fun houses with the weird mirrors and everywhere I looked there was just something else to confuse my mind and my eyes. I wanted the exit and I wanted it now!

"The Horror failed," Max continued this time letting the box leave his mouth and his regular voice coming to life. "The lights were off, your little friend was stabbed, and you didn't give a shit about it. Hell, the doctor fixed him right back up like it was nothing! Me" he went on, "I was gutted like a fucking fish in place of that blonde idiot. Went home and got my ass kicked by my old man because your rich friends said I was part of a group threatening the lives of my 'fellow students. '"

He seemed pissed.... actually no he seemed ready to detonate. And me, I felt shitty. I hadn't even remembered that Gabriel had been stabbed after dealing with all of the drama with the fire alarm. Though, he himself didn't seem to remember it either from the way he and the others joined the melee.

He smiled, a smile that honestly seemed normal and happy. Most stalkers and killers in movies have this creepy, extra white teeth smile and you just see the smile and know that something bad is about to happen. Max smiled, and I just wanted to smile back. He just looked happy.

His words had the opposite effect, however. "The Terror will not fail. For all the pain and suffering that you and those bastards have caused me, the Terror. Will. Not. Fail."

His next actions also didn't make me want to smile as he came up to me, hit me in the head with the butt of the gun---how did he move that fast?!-and then darkness took over.

Word Count: 1048

[ This chapter has not been edited. ]

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