Chapter Six - 4 - Forde, Focus

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-Forde, Focus-

            “Welcome to my temporary home,” Forde said, letting them inside.  “I think I’ve some tea on the stove... I don’t remember.”

            “Forde, right?” Reno asked, smiling when Forde nodded in response.  “You know, not remembering things like that can be very dangerous....”

            “Dangerous?  What?  No!” Forde laughed, chucking his notebook at the table, “If anything is dangerous, it’s coffee,” he said.  “Coffee stunts growth!”

            “That’s right Cho, no coffee,” Caanan laughed, giving her a light shove.

            Chomeske glared up at him.  Does not! she signed angrily.

            “It does?  Hear that Rhoda?” Reno asked, grinning broadly.

            “Noooo,” Rhodanne whined.  “I want coffee.”

            “Well, how old are you?  You two don’t look like you’re gonna grow any more, so don’t worry,” Forde smiled.  “Your names are-?”

            “Rhodanne, but call me Rhoda!” she smiled, waving enthusiastically.

            “Nice to meet you Rhoda,” Forde nodded.  “I guess you already know Kyle,” he nodded.

            “I’m Caanan, and this is Cho,” he said, pointing at Cho, his finger hovering over his head.  “Chomeske to be exact.”

            “That name rings a bell,” Kyle said.  “Oi dunno why though,” he shrugged.  “You’re Reno, right?  The noisy one, ey,” he laughed.

            “Me?  I’m not that loud,” Reno frowned, crossing his arms.

            “Really?” Caanan’s brows drew together.  “Seriously?”

            “If anybody’s loud, it’s Rhoda,” Reno said with a straight face, melting into a smirk when Rhodanne flushed.


            “Oi don’t want to know, do Oi?” Kyle asked.

            “Kyle, you all get settled in,” Forde said, running over to the couch and grabbing the cushions off it.  “Here you go, seats,” he chucked pillows at every one of them.  “Sit on the floor, there’s no lack of room there, ey?”

            With that, he disappeared into the kitchen, coming out with a pot of cold tea.  “I don’t have much,” he said.  “I hope it’s all right.”

            “Anything ‘oo ‘ave to offer is fine,” Kyle smiled.

            A while later, they were all drinking cold, sugary tea, which still tasted good, and eating beef jerky, dried fruits, biscuits and cookies.

            “What’s that one over there?” Rhoda asked, pointing at an easel in the corner of the room.

            “It’s not finished,” Forde frowned.

            “Can Oi see it?” Kyle asked.

            “Well, it is of your sister... so sure,” Forde smiled, getting up from his pillow and heading over to the corner, carefully turning the portrait for them to see.

            “It’s beautiful,” Kyle gaped.  “’Choo’ve gotten good,” Kyle smiled.

            Chomeske nibbled on a cookie, studying the painting, which seemed it was about to spring from the canvas.

            The painting of the dark haired woman seemed like it was moving.  She was dancing, lifting her skirts to spin around, her lips curled up in a smile, her cheeks rosy from exertion.

            “Leila’s a beauty,” Forde nodded.  “Don’t give me that look Kyle, I’ve my own lady.”

            “Since when do ‘oo ‘ave a lady?” Kyle made a face.

            “Her name is music, she’s more beautiful and art and lasts longer than-”

            “Forde!  Focus!” Kyle exclaimed.


just for the record, I don't really like Forde cars, but I love the name Forde... xD  sorry :P

you have no idea how many times i kept misspelling biscuit xD

hope you've enjoyed the story so far, I'll be uploading the next few chapters soon, but I'm tired of uploading right now, and an idea just hit me ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2011 ⏰

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