37 | bubble
Step 1.
Open up a blank image as your background.
Step 2.
Open up the image below as your foreground.
Position it where you want, and adjust the size.
In the Transform tab, select Screen and reduce the opacity.
Step 3.
Open up your PNG as your foreground, and place it over the bubble.
Make sure it is still in Screen, but turn up the Opacity.
Step 4.
If you chose a dark background, go to Filter, and turn up the Exposure and Brightness.
Next go to Mask, and, using the smooth brush, begin to erase over the areas that are outside of the bubble.
Once you have finished, go back to Filter and reset the options back to normal.
Merge and export to Photos.
Step 5.
Open up PicsArt, and then choose a filter in the Effect option.
I used B&W Cross.
Press the checkmark.
Step 6.
It's still looking quite unrealistic, so go back to Superimpose, and open up a light beam. A picture of one can be found in 18.
I used Overlay, and reduced the Opacity a bit.
Merge and export to photos.
Step 7.
Open up the image in Phonto, add your title, and you're done!
Hope you liked that tutorial!