Okay this has been one of the most requested things from me, and I haven't done it so fair, because quite frankly it's not that hard.
Ah well, here's my tutorial.
Step 1.)
Open your the standard wattpad cover size as your background, and then add your first texture.
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Step 2.)
Then add your second texture. Place it where you think it would look best.
Next, using a soft brush, begin carefully erasing certain parts of the second texture. This part can be the hardest because you need to be constantly thinking about how it will look together, and if it looks natural.
For this one I kind of cheated, using a texture out of the same pack that the first came in but shh.
On Photoshop you can use the soft oval eraser, which should be on the right of the third row (at least for me).
That is what I always use, because it blends much better than a round eraser, however Superimpose doesn't have that option.
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Step 3.)
Something still looks weird, as expected, so what's wrong? It's usually the coloring. On Photoshop you could just add a PSD to take care of it, but it's different on Superimpose.
You have to do it manually. So play around a bit with the hue and saturation, brightness, exposure, etc, until they look like they go together.
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Step 4.)
Now to add any finishing touches, which could be another texture or a filter.
For this case I added a light texture, a light leak and a space texture.
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Step 5.)
Now you add any models and text you may have to your blend.
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