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Name: VereniceHow Long: 1 yearPersonal Score: 8
Colour and composition: The colour of this is pretty good, but the smoke around the model looks a little bright, and looks a bit out of place, and not very well blended.
Score: 18
Image quality: The model is a bit grainy, and it makes the graphic a bit too sharp.
Score: 15
General idea and originality: The style of this graphic is pretty common, but I can really see your own take on this style, and I like all the extra flourishes you added to it.
Score: 15
Beauty and Technique: This is where I have my most problem. I think the fractal smoke looks really out of place, and doesn't look very necessary. Some simple smoke would have done the job much better. Also the title is a bit too bold, and the glow makes it look weird. I think the bottom of the graphic is pretty plain, and to improve it you could have added some bokeh type lights along the length of the graphic, or something similar to improve the mood.
Score: 12
Overall score:
Now before you get said about this grade or the comments, let me say that I doubt I will EVER give anyone anything above 90. I would only give most of my graphics around a 70. So take it easy, and look at my comments constructively. Good luck on your graphic endeavours!