I have nothing better to do, so let me critique you!
(i love it when it rhymes!)
This time I will be more organised, so I don't get swamped with requests.
Every day from 00:00 to 23:59 (Indochina Time) I will accept a maximum of two requests, meaning that for the whole day, only two people can request from me.
For today and tomorrow, I will allow five people to request per day, since it'll be really popular then.
I will try to keep my comments constructive, but sometimes it's more effective to tell the truth.
Also, this will be the new updated criteria. I will give you a simple number, and a short comment for each category, and round all the numbers to give you your overall score.
Colour and composition: Does the colouring make your model's skin tone turn too red, or a weird shade? Is the colour scheme fitting to the wanted mood of the graphic? Does the composition of the text and model help benefit the overall graphic? Does it take too much focus away from the main idea?
Image quality: Is there any visible pixellation on either the models or the overall graphic? Is anything out of focus or blurry? Is the topaz too strong, or the graphic too sharp?
General idea and originality: Is this graphic too similar too another popular one? Is the style too common? Does your graphic reflect what you wanted out of this graphic?
Beauty and technique: Is your style unique and clear? Are you strategically arranging the model/text? Does the graphic come together to create a beautiful piece?
And that's it! Each of these criteria make up 25% of your overall grade.
I know, it's like school!
But there's more! This is how you request:
Your name:
How long you've been designing:
You're personal overall score for your graphic:
Link to graphic (not graphic book, with name of chapter):
What criteria you want to be commented on the most:
And now you may request!
Maximum number of graphics at any one time per person: 1
Average time it will take me to complete request: 1 day (depending on time of request submission)