55 | make-up

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55 | make-up


Step 1.

Open up your image as your background in Superimpose.

Then open up a colored foreground.

PLace it over the person's lips then go through all the blend modes until you find one you like

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

PLace it over the person's lips then go through all the blend modes until you find one you like.

PLace it over the person's lips then go through all the blend modes until you find one you like

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Step 2.

Go to Mask, and use the smooth brush to cover over all the areas that aren't the lips of the person.

Go to Mask, and use the smooth brush to cover over all the areas that aren't the lips of the person

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Merge and save.

Step 3.

Open up the image in Phonto, add your text and then a nice filter in PicsArt and you're done!

Open up the image in Phonto, add your text and then a nice filter in PicsArt and you're done!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.



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