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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
These covers have pretty good blending, and I liked the fonts you used, but some of the images you used could have been better.
Color Scheme:
These all had very clear colour schemes, except for the first one. I'm not sure if you know this, but most of the time you shouldn't use complementary colours in a cover, because it makes it confusing to identify the mood of the cover.
The dragon looks out of place, and the idea of blending images is to make it looks like it belongs, so I think if you had changed the colour of the dragon to match the background, it would have been much better.
I think each of these covers have pretty good quality, except for the last one. It looks slightly blurry, so maybe you should have chosen a better quality image to use.
Overall Aesthetics:
Like I said about the first one, the main problem is the colour of the dragon.I like the font, especially the light beam you put in the O. However you put some sort of scratchy effect on the cover, which ruined the clean mood.
The second one is my favourite and I think you did an incredible job with the blending. The only thing I would change is making the title in all caps, because the way the E looks when it's bigger...personally I've never been a very big fan of that.
The third one, my main problem is that it's too dark. I know you wanted something dark (obviously) but I think that you made it too dark, because I can't really see the girl, and I can hardly see the floral pattern on the moon, which, by the way, is a nice touch.
So if you could brighten that up a bit, it would be much better.
Needs improvement
Hope that helped!
And guys please do NOT request! I've already had two people requesting when I said very clearly that it was CLOSED PERMANENTLY.
You can already see how long it's taken me to do these, and when you request your adding to my responsibilities!