So, recently I've been really into making textures, as those who follow my DeviantArt page will know (c'mon guys go watch me), and so I've made a little list of things to remember when making textures (more specifically texture packs)
#1) Color Schemes
This is very important! I suggest that you start off with the same color bg each time, and remember that the colors are very important for getthing your genre across. For example blu is usually related to sci-fi, gold to fantasy, red to action/horror. Also it can get even more specific with combos! Purple/navy blue and gold combine to make a royalty story, green and black make darkness and mutation, etc.
#2) Use Free Photos
This is so very important! Don't take images that you don't have the permission to use, and if they ask for credit YOU GIVE THEM FREAKING CREDIT! Also don't use people's PSDs and/or textures to make your own textures (or PSDs) because that's not cool! You are allowed to use anything you want from free sites ( / / unsplash/com) so use that! I also use brushes a lot, and I give credit all the time!
#3) Make 'Em Match
Now I don't recommend that you upload several different textures at random times, which is what I did at first. Rather I suggest that you make packs! Like so:
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
(Link in ext.)
See how they all kind of match, but they're not all the same? Try to keep the same colour scheme, and stuff, but don't make it same background, slightly different pictures. You want to be able to tell that things are related, yet also make it easy to discern which is which. Ya get me?
And that's all I have! Have fun with your textures! <3