I know this isn't the cover you requested, but this was just my favourite, also sorry for the wait - nearly a month!
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
This is an okay cover and it has a lot of potential, but I think there are a lot of ways that you could make it better.
Color Scheme:
I really love this color scheme - honest, however I think that for the fonts you should have gone with clearer colours, especially for your name, because I can hardly see it.
Maybe you should put a white outline over it to make your name clearer.
The only problem I have is with the background, because you can see that it's grainy. For Photoshop I would use Diffuse or Topaz, but since you don't have that...try using Blur on PicsArt and changing the settings a bit.
Overall Aesthetics:
Incredible vector!
I really love how it looks, however I think you should have outlined the part where the neck met the face, because it looks weird.
Now for the worst part - the font.
Your name is fine (aside from the lack of outline) but I dislike the fonts you used for the title.
Firstly, you shouldn't have used more than two fonts - NEVER. Also both of the fonts were weird, and 'entries' was hard to see.
Maybe just the same font throughout. See how that looks.