Alliances |34|

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( Jasmine )
( Day 37 )

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. I closed them shut once more and decided no. The pounding headache that was just beneath my temples screamed at me with a megaphone.

Why in the hell did I drink all that damn wine? I was just going to lay in bed until I remembered that I told Curtis we would meet back in the abandoned playground. I exhaled a tired sigh and forced myself up. I staggered over to the dresser and saw a aspirin packet and a cup of water.
A note was next to it.

For your hangover. Sophia.

God I loved that girl. I popped the aspirin and drank the water, which felt like a cool balm on my scratchy throat. Ugh, I was never going to drink again. I took out a pair of jean shorts and a oversized black t-shirt, I mean I was allowed lately to dress myself right? I went and took a quick shower then dressed and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed the lotion to spread on my legs and felt disgust at the scars that ran along them. I wonder how much damage had actually been done by the crash. Maybe I should get a check up soon. I finished up and decided to talk to King Laurent, I felt like I needed to apologize for getting drunk in front of his mother.
But when I knocked, there was no answer.

Jasmine: "Guess he's already working." I muttered to myself then left to go find Curtis. I walked past the King Larrys room and the door was opened.

Jasmine: "Perhaps I'll go say good morning." I thought as I walked to knocked on the opened door but stopped when I saw Kyanna. Her face looked so pale and she was sitting in a sofa that seemed to have extra layers of cushions on it. She looked so terrible, like she was sick. I tried to enter but King Larry suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking the door.

King Larry: "Sorry Jasmine, but you'll have to excuse Kyanna for a while." His voice was strained and he seemed to not have slept.

Jasmine: "But Larry she looks sick! I'm her friend, please let me talk to her." King Larry looked so torn.

King Larry: "I'm sorry, it's not the right time." He closed the doors and I just stood there. What was going on with Kyanna?! I stood there for a few minutes, struggling with my need to help my friend and trying to trust King Larry. My name being called decided for me. I look to the side and saw Curtis in his usual guard attire. He was walking towards me with a worried expression on his face.

Curtis: "Are you okay miss Jasmine?" I looked at King Larrys doors then turned away.

Jasmine: "Yeah I'm okay. Sorry, did I take to long?"

Curtis: "Not at all. I was just making my way to the playground myself. I had um, been preoccupied. Shall I escort you?"

Jasmine: "Sure, since we're going to the same place anyways." Curtis held his arm out for me to wrap mines around. I did and we walked over to the playground.

( King Laurent )

I had left early to get some work done before I took Candice out to town, since I knew we would probably be gone all day. After about a good two hours, I figured I did enough and I would just leave the repairs to the north sides walls for Larry. My mind wandered to Jasmine and I felt my usual guilt rise. I knew that I cared for her and that every day I spent with her made me want to be with her more but I just didn't know what to do with Candice.

I couldn't just abandon her despite her obvious flaws. I stood up, tired of fighting the angel and devil in my head. I walked out the den and stretched my long arms up, revealing the art on them. I rolled my head to get rid of the discomfort when I noticed Jasmine outside Larry's door. Her face was so full of concern and I felt this urge to comfort her until I heard her name being called.
I spotted my guard, what was his name? I couldn't remember but he was now talking to Jasmine, far to personally for my tastes.

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