His view

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( King Larry )
( Day 69, December 30th )

I was growing impatient, what was Laurent doing down there that was taking so damn long? I was anxious to get Jasmine back to Parisih, where she belonged. I could just see the smile splitting Kemars little face when he would see Jasmine again, he had been inconsolable when she was taken.
Leaning back into the uncomfortable ass kitchen chair, I was all to ready to be home in my cushioned lush home. Sounds in the basement caught my attention but I ignored it, knowing Laurent probably found Jasmine and was dealing with Candice.

I heard the unlocking of a door and immediately went on guard. Only one person was missing from the equation and I been waiting for that bitch to arrive for a week now. Patting myself down, I let loose a agitated sigh as I realized I left the forty-five in the car, which Hiro no doubt saw outside. He would be on suspect mode so I need to get a weapon of some kind, I thought to myself.

Moving quietly around the kitchen, I spotted a thick serrated knife on the counter and decided why the fuck not. It was going to be bloody but I was never a squeamish one. Not really in the mood for hiding but feeling it was necessary, I went behind the basement door that was still open from when Lau went down. Holding my breath, I watched as Hiro walked in with his forty-five out, his finger barely grazing the trigger. A sadistic smirk overtook my lips and I felt this immense blood thirst, shit, was I channeling Laurent?

Hiro: "What the fuck? Now whose playing around in my house?" His whispered words pulled me back to the present and I gripped the knife in my hand a little harder. Hiro spotted the opened basement door and I swore his eyes went as black as a demons. With hurried steps, Hiro went to the door and I felt my instincts take over. Pushing the wooden panel with all the strength I could gather right into Hiros forehead, he fell back. Soon as his body hit the floor, I was on top of him, the knife thrumming at the base of his neck, right at the jugular. When the disorientation left his eyes and his vision cleared, the first thing he saw was my smiling face.

King Larry: "Oh my god! Hiroshi, is that you? My God, it's been so long since I seen you!" I said, mocking the way high schoolers would talk to each other, then my voice took on a much sinister tone. "I just been dying, to see ya." I put emphasis on the word dying, watching Hiros eyes buck wild.

Hiro: "ha..ha..hahaha, hey your Majesty. I was just o-on my way to Parisih t-to see you guys again." Hiro stuttered, his eyes shifting from the left to the right. He seemed to be waiting for something, I could see it in the way his right eye kept going slightly to the basement door.

King Larry: "She's dead, I presume. My twin isn't very good with mercy, no matter the persons.." I paused for a second, thinking of the correct word, "condition." Putting up my index and middle finger, imitating quotation marks with sarcasm. Hiro deflated, defeat all on his face and I moved the knife just a bit, cutting flesh as I did.

King Larry: "Woo, that bitch is sharp. Be careful Hiro." Whistling and laughing at my own joke, I nearly had tears coming down from my eyes. My bipolar side switched on then and immediately all the mirth and humor left me completely, leaving behind a cold blue blaze as I look down at Hiro. Fear seeped from him and I saw his eyes go to the gun he dropped when I hit him and without blinking, I jammed the knife into his right hand.

His howl of anguished pain echoed throughout the house when I yanked the knife back out and for a second I thought Lau would come running up from the basement. I turned my head to stare at the basement door and the sound of Ana kicking the door from the closest she was trapped in caught me off guard, leaving an opening for Hiro, which he took. Ramming his left elbow against my jawline, I stumbled back as my vision blurred.

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