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I Don't Love You

King Laurent

I watched as Jasmine's expression calmly switched from depressed to livid in hardly any time at all. She yanked herself out of my arms, took a few steps back and glared at me, her mocha eyes glinted dangerously.

Jasmine: "Why am I here? Am I not allowed to be Your Majesty?" I flinched just slightly from the anger radiating from her every word and the sting of her calling me by my title. On instinct, I reached out for her again only to stop when the pure hatred in her eyes stilled me.

King Laurent: "No Jasmine, I didn't say that. I just thought you wanted to stay in London. That's why I didn't go and bring you back." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest, inadvertently pushing her breasts up and that snaked my attention for a quick second.

Jasmine: "Oh? And you sure it's not because you got the very person you said you'd get rid of, PREGNANT?!" My eyes widened at her scream and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I should've been the one to tell her.

A sudden cry out of the blue to the side of me caught my attention and I turned to look that way, seeing Candice kneeling down on the floor, cradling her cheek in her hand which now was spotted with blood. With a heavy sigh, I turned my gaze back to Jasmine who stood with a wild look in features and spoke, making sure to keep my tone gentle.

King Laurent: "What happened here?" I questioned but Jasmine just continued to glare in my direction while I heard Larry clear his throat in the background, both refusing to explain the situation. Eager to play victim, Candice stood up with haste and clutched at my shirt desperately, tears pooling inside the corner of her eyes.

Candice: "She fucking hit me! I didn't do anything to her and she fucking hit me! Look at what she did to my face! You're just going to let her harm the mother of your child?!" I stared at the dark red welt on Candice's cheek, feeling oddly indifferent about it. It stood out definitively, like a red railroad line on her usually smooth milk chocolate skin. Already tired of the events, I exhaled a haggard breath and wretched Candice off of my shirt, easing her grasp and letting her hands fall to her side.

King Laurent: "Do not touch me Candice, I thought I made that clear before. Also, I already told you that until the child is born and a DNA test proves it's mine, do not call yourself my child's mother. While I am completely sure you deserved the hit , I ask of you Jasmine to please refrain from harming Candice, at least until the results come back. I'm truly sorry you had to find things out this way, about Candice and Kyanna." Jasmine didn't respond, only averted her eyesight away from me when Larry walked over to her and bent down to whisper something in her ear, and then excused himself without another word, his body language screamed depression. I yearned to go and comfort my twin but I withheld the urge so that I could speak with Jasmine, alone. I turned to a guard and informed him that he was to escort Candice out of the room.

Candice: "What? No! I'm not leaving you and her alone here Laurent!" She screeched with wide eyes and Jasmine sneered at her, a disgusted expression on her pretty features.

King Laurent: "Very well, Jasmine if you will accompany me to my den? I would like to speak with you there, if you don't mind." Her eyes slowly roamed over from Candice to me with disinterest, almost lifeless to me, which was so unlike the alert irises I was used to. Without saying a word, she walked past me and ankles off into the direction of the den. I exhaled a deep sigh once again and then followed, telling the guards Candice was not allowed to follow us into the den.


When I got to room, the doors were already wide open and when I stepped in, Jasmine was seated on the Victorian  sofa. I took my time going to my chair, openly observing Jasmine. I had missed her but when Candice told me she was pregnant, I figured Jasmine wouldn't be able to overlook that. As my eyes watched her, hers observed me. They were no longer lifeless seeming but now angry with a shadow of hurt. I took my seat at the desk and gazed at her, letting some of emotions seep into my eyes.

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