Im happy..but yet I'm not

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King Laurent
( Day 78, January 8th)

Jasmine stood at the door with a terrified expression on her face, like she just heard the worst news of her life.

Dr.Leona: "I said congratulations, you're pregnant miss Jasmine. It must be so exciting!"
Dr.Leona's cheerfulness was causing more harm than good, as evident how Jasmine's face went completely pale and Liara dropped the glass of water I had handed her, the liquid spilling on the floor. Her hands were trembling and tears were falling down her face, drenching the bed.

Liara: "Are you serious? This can't be happening!"
She wailed and buried her face in the pillows adorning her bed. Lylah rubbed her back and I tried to ease her sorrow, speaking to her gently in French. When Liara's sobbing lessened to just small hiccups, I looked up to see Jasmine gone. A faint panic built up in my chest and I moved to leave, being stopped by Liara's grip on my arm.

Liara: "Don't go Laurent, I need my brother!" The lost look in her eyes hurt me, Liara never acted this way about anything. The damage the abortion dos and the news of Jasmine's pregnancy must be affecting her far deeper than I could imagine. So I stayed with her until she was asleep, Larry had came and got Lylah and Liloh with Deedee and Asya hanging on his hips. He saw the way I was on edge and when his eyebrow lifted, I mouthed later to him.

Finally able to slip from Liara's death grip, I went in search of Jasmine. She hadn't been in our room or the dining room or resting room. After searching for thirty minutes, I was on the edge of freaking out until I heard humming in the gardens when my search took me outside. I followed the sound and saw Jasmine resting on the railing of the Koi Bridge. Carefully approaching her, I took the spot right to her side, close enough for our arms to graze.

King Laurent: "How you feeling baby?"
She just kept staring down at the water for a few seconds then turned her head to look me right in my eyes.

Jasmine: "Im fine, how you feeling?"
Why did she have so much suspicion in her voice when she said that? Turning around to lean my back against the brass railing, I closed my eyes as the breeze drifted over me.

King Laurent: "I'm happy..I think. I want kids, I just didn't think we would be having any before we got married or you became Queen is all."
Jasmine pushed up off the rail and began to walk away, leaving me to run to catch up with her. I grabbed her arm to tug her back to me, she was crying.

King Laurent: "Hey! What's wrong? Why you walking away from me?"
Her eyes narrowed to slits despite the water rushing through them.

Jasmine: "You don't sound excited about this baby Laurent, you sound kind of like it's whatever to you!"
Her frame was shaking and I just stared opened eyes at her.

King Laurent: "Okay I admit I could've been a little more enthusiastic baby but it's not like I'm telling you to get a damn abortion!"
For some reason, that made Jasmine go eerily still. She wasn't crying or moving, just looking up at me.

Jasmine: "Let me go please, I need to go and get Kemar."
Her voice was near mute, as if raising her voice even louder would hurt. I let go of her arms and Jasmine just walked away again, not caring to even glance back. I know that I should've been happier, I mean this was the woman I loved and she was having my child now but something in me was resistant to the happiness that wanted to surge forth. I didn't expect this reaction.

A couple hours later, I sat in the den trying to figure out what to do about the towns budget. The population was growing which meant more homes needed to be built, more workplaces, more daycares and another school, which also meant more money. I refused to raise the tax any higher least I wanted a riot on my hands and I couldn't cut back on the import and exports unless I wanted the people to go hungry. I was tethering back and forth between insanity and overwhelmed. The double doors creaking open blissfully interrupted my train of thought and Jasmine strolled in, taking the usual seat on the Victorian love seat.

Jasmine: "We need to talk Your Majesty."
Irritation swam through me at the title and I felt my own eyes narrow, she was going to be childish I see.

King Laurent: "About what miss Jasmine?"
She rolled her eyes and I suppressed a smirk, yeah don't like how that feel huh?

Jasmine: "What we are going to do about our child. I need to know if you want this baby King Laurent cause if not, I'm out. I'm not having a abortion!"
Her voice cracked for some reason and I just kept staring at her. Why would she even think about something so fucking stupid?!

King Laurent: "I never said you were Jasmine, why would I tell you to kill our child? I love you and you know that, you think my love doesn't extend to any new life we would bring?"
Anger lingered in all my words like a dangerous undertone, I know that she couldn't be this fucking crazy. She couldn't be. I shook my head in a disbelieving manner, this woman I swear.

Jasmine: "You said at the bridge that you thought you was happy about the pregnancy! Which means you can't decide between happy or hatred. Either you hate that I am pregnant or you love that I am pregnant. Which one is it?"
Jasmine's hands gripped the couch in an unrelenting grasp, her irises boring into my very soul. I squirmed underneath the gaze slightly.

King Laurent: "I want a family with you Jasmine, I truly and honestly do but I feel like if you don't love me and we aren't married, should we really have a child together?"
Her grip on the cushions loosened as Jasmine stood up. She walked over to my side of the desk and sat down in my lap, the warmth from her body was all to comforting. My arms snaked around her waist, molding her body to my own. I quickly forgot why I was even mad when Jasmine's lips found my own.

Her tongue slipped between my lips and invaded my mouth, marking her territory with each dominant stroke of the organ. Lifting her house dress up, my fingers traced the inside of her thigh in a circular motion. A needy moan broke the silence that our silent lip locking created and I had to pull away to think straight.

King Laurent: "Damn you, stop messing with my head Jasmine."
I bit her bottom lip and sucked on it a bit, which caused Jasmine to rock her hips down on the now prominent budge in my jeans. I hissed in pleasure, all coherent thought straight gone from my mental.

Jasmine: "I have a very simple solution to the problem you see in my pregnancy Your Highness."
She whispered in a husky tone, running her tongue along my bottom lip. I was drunk on the lust she was exuding.

King Laurent: "Mm..and what is that mon amour?"
I replied, trying to push through the fog of want.

Jasmine: "We will wait and see if this is truly what we want with clear heads. So as of today, we will start from the beginning. We will go on dates, hang out, and spend time together. We also won't have any sex."
With that, she hopped off my lap and left nothing but cold air behind her. She really lost her damn mind.

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