Conflicted |39|

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( Curtis )

I woke up feeling the lithe body in my arms. I moved her braids out of her face, admiring her beauty. Guilt rose up in my chest at the fact that I had been telling miss Jasmine about Candice but what could I do? I was worried that Candice was falling downwards and I wouldn't be able to catch her in time if I didn't do this. Candice stirred in her sleep and I went still, hoping that she'd stay asleep in my arms. She didn't and her eyes slowly fluttered open, trying to get rid of the sleep left.

When her eyes opened fully, she stared at me for a split second.

Curtis: "Good morning beautiful." The only response I got was a sigh as Candice pushed herself away from my arms and out the bed. I tried not to let it bother me, I knew she had a rough night since she came to me late at night crying.

Candice sat down in front of the vanity mirror that I put in my home just for her. She was examining her face to see if any redness remained.

Curtis: "You won't find any flaws, you are gorgeous as always." I said the words to soothe her but all they did was irk her.

Candice: "I don't need YOU tell me that Curtis! I want Laurent but that conniving bitch is with him. It has to be that they are fucking, I can't find any other reason why Lau would be so interested." That hurt. Here I was trying to ease her sorrows, let her know how beautiful she was to me and yet the only thing on her mind was King Laurent? I bit down my jealousy.

Curtis: "I doubt that is the reason why Candice. Miss Jasmine is just a kind soul and it's hard not to see that. You're blinded by your jealousy and refuse to see how sweet she is." Candice slowly turned to face me with suspicion all in her eyes. I lowered my eyes from her stare, why did I say it that way?

Candice: "Sounds like you think very highly of the pauper. Do you like her?" Candice got up and crawled to me on the bed, a seductive gleam in her eyes.

Curtis: "I like her as a friend yes. I have no reason not to. Haven't we done enough Candice? Why do you insist on hurting her? Why not just let her and King Laurent be? You have me." The seductiveness in her eyes turned black with annoyance.
She huffed and got off the bed, walking to the door.

Candice: "I don't want us Curtis, I want Laurent and me. You just make sure you do what has to be done. Don't screw up like you did with Jessica. To think I had to hire someone else to finish YOUR job. Incompetent."
She hissed the words at me then left. I couldn't help but wonder what I saw in this woman, love truly was blind.

After I was dressed and made sure my guns were loaded, I headed to the castle. It was still early, about 8 am. I saw Candice walking cheerfully in the gardens and briefly wondered what had brightened her mood. I bet it was something sadistic.

I walked into the castle, not really paying attention since my mind was on Candice when I felt someone bump into me. I looked down and saw Jasmine with tears streaming down her face. I asked her what was wrong and when she gave me the paper, I already knew who did it. Do I tell her? I was getting tired of Candice's games so maybe I would.

Curtis: "Perhaps it's time I tell you what i know about your plane crash miss Jasmine..." There was no turning back now. Jasmine looked so confused and my heart felt a pang.

Curtis: "Come, let's talk in private."
I grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her with me to a room in the back of the castle. It was empty, no furnishing at all. I checked the closets just in case. When I deemed it secure, I turned to see Jasmine with a lost and sad look on her face. What a shame for such beauty to wasted on such an expression.

Curtis: "Okay, let me start off by saying that I did not kill Queen Jessica nor did Candice, at least she didn't pull the trigger herself. I let Candice convince me to fabricate a situation in Florida that Queen Jessica would have to take care of, nothing to big so that it didn't require King Laurent's presence. When I went to the King and Queen, they both agreed it was best for just Jessica to go, it helped that they weren't trying to be around each other. I was suppose to take Queen Jessica out while she was in Florida but I couldn't do it. She had been so kind to me when King Laurent wanted to dismiss me from his personal entourage and I had told Queen Jessica of Candice's plan. Queen Jessica being the kind soul that she was forgave me and sent me back on the first plane, saying she would take the second one out and that Candice would be brought to justice. I knew I shouldn't have left her but I wanted to smooth things over with Candice before she got back to Parisih. When Queen Jessica didn't come home, I was suspicious but I had no way to find out anything. When the plane was announced to have been found and no survivors had been found, the dread hit me and I begged Candice to tell me the truth. She said she hired a merc by the name of Hiro to kill Queen Jessica since she had a feeling I would chicken out. Hiro is a ruthless and blood thirsty fiend who would do whatever if you have enough coin. It kills me to know how much damage I caused just because of my desire to have Candice. Desire is such a sin. Please do not hate me miss Jasmine. I truly didn't mean for any of this to happen." She had backed away from me, hurt and disgust written all over her face.

Jasmine: "So because of you and Candice, I suffered nightmares and injuries for months?! How could you pretend to be my friend while knowing this?!" She was openly crying now, her hurt evident. I hung my head, my shame heavy and full. I reached for her but she slapped my hand away.

Curtis: "I know what I did was wrong but I tried to fix it! I tried to prevent it! How could I have known that Candice would hire a merc?! I'm sorry, when I heard you were from the plane crash, I knew I owed it to you to make sure you were safe." She was still, motionless.

Jasmine: "So you're only telling me all of this because you feel guilty? You have no idea what it was like! You have no idea what it was like to watch all those people die! To be scared to sleep at night because a pair of grape eyes haunted your soul! And all of this because of Candice?! What the fuck do you even see in that fucking cunt!" I shrugged my shoulders, I wasn't sure what I saw anymore either. Jasmine walked to the door and I called after her, but she ignored me. She stepped out into the hallway and I followed right after her, grabbing her wrist and turning her around to face me.

Curtis: "It's not like that miss Jasmine! I genuinely came to care about you and I truly wanted to protect you! I am your friend, is me telling you everything not proof enough?!" Her eyes were heated and she opened her mouth to yell at me, but the sound of a throat clearing sent a cold sweat to appear on my head.

Jasmine and I slowly turned around to stare right into the untrusting eyes of King Laurent.

End Chapter

A quick little chapter. Things will hit the fan soon everyone. Just wait on it

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