Festival of Life

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( King Larry )
( Day 58 )

My eyes fluttered open and the sun rays that made it through the coverings hurt. Guess crying all night didn't help. I slowly made my way up into a sitting position and just stared at nothing for a few minutes. Today was the day. The day we laid Kyanna to rest. Laurent, our mother, and I already informed everyone that a grand festival was to be held in town. All preparations were to be done by the villagers and my mother and Liara would assist. A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts.

King Larry: "Who is it?"

Jasmine: "It's me Jasmine, Larry. Can I come in?" A reluctant smile lifted my lips and I told her yes. Jasmine walked in sort of on edge. I smacked my teeth. She stopped and stared at me and I hissed at her.

King Larry: "Don't treat me like a wounded animal Jasmine, I can see it all in your face how anxious you are. No need to tread on eggshells with me, I know what today is." Her pretty little lips curled up and she rolled her eyes. With a flop, she landed right on the bed next to me and wrapped her arms around mine.

Jasmine: "I just don't want to say anything that will make today any harder. I heard that you and Laurent will go and speak with her family. Can I come too?" I looked at Jasmine and leaned my head on hers. She truly was becoming one of high value to me, another sister. I kissed her forehead.

King Larry: "So you're finally calling him Laurent? Only took you forever. I take it you both are on better terms now? And if you want to, you can come. I don't mind, she was your friend too." Jasmine cuddled up against me and I moved my arm behind her to pull her closer. It was comforting having someone near.

The door opened and I got irritated until I saw my twin enter. He sighted Jasmine huddled up with me and his eyebrows rose up. Jasmine snuggled closer and stuck her tongue out at Laurent who just chuckled.

King Laurent: "Choosing my twin over me already? It's only been a few hours and to think you woke up so sweetly in my arms and blessed me with such an amazing morning." Jasmine's ears went bright red and she let go of me and stood up to Laurent, even though she only came up to his chest. She pushed him and he grabbed her hand laughing.

Jasmine: "Don't lie like that! That is bullshit, I woke up and came straight here." Their playful arguing had me laughing and they stopped to stare at me. Jasmine just smacked her teeth and Laurent told me to get dressed. Which I did and then we headed off.

Jasmine held my right hand and Laurent held my left as I watched them lower Kyanna into the ground. I clenched their hands in mine, feeling them do the same. Jasmine broke down and was sobbing and I pulled her into my side, trying to comfort her. It was a closed casket event, we couldn't handle seeing her like that. She was laid next to Sophias mother, and I saw the young girl watching from the sidelines. Why she didn't join us, I couldn't tell. When the funeral was over, I took a deep ragged breath as I read her tombstone.

Here Lies Kyanna,
A Beloved Friend, Lover, & Mother.
Gone But Never Forgotton.
1990 - 2015

Soon after, I joined Laurent and Jasmine back inside where I watched the servants rushing about getting everything prepared as we walked towards the entrance of the castle. I could see my mom and Liara and Jasmine ran off. Laurent smirked as Liara hugged Jasmine and our mother spoke with them. We hung back to let the women have their moment.

King Laurent: "How you feeling bro?"

King Larry: "Scared. The closer we get, the more frightened I become. For their first time meeting their Kings, would be with dire and heartbreaking news." Jasmine was coming back now and Laurent just grabbed my shoulder.

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