Finding out

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( King Laurent )
( Day 60, December 21st )

I moved my hand around the bed and felt not only no one there, but also no sheets. I opened one eye and saw that Jasmine was sitting on the love seat with her head in her hands. I forced myself up, the grogginess from sleep still strong. I could hear her mumbling to herself and she sounded like she was crying. I got off the bed and went in front of Jasmine yet she still seemed to not notice me. I kneeled down before her and before I could inform her of my presence, something she said stopped me.

Jasmine: "What if he doesn't believe me? What if he still loves her? Do I tell him or do I just keep everything inside?" Her whispers sounded so pained and I couldn't moving her curls behind her right ear and she trembled, finally looking up at me. But just as soon as she looked up, she looked back down.

King Laurent: "Jasmine, what's wrong baby? Did I hurt you last night? If I did, I apologize." She shook her head no and a sob broke from her, causing me to get up and take a seat next to her, pulling her into my arms.

King Laurent: "Talk to me Jasmine, what's going on?" Jasmine buried her face into my chest and I could feel the tears hitting my stomach. When she spoke, I could hardly hear her.

Jasmine: "I'm scared that you won't believe me Laurent, that you'd think I'm just saying it cause I don't like Candice." Huh? What was she talking about? I gently pulled Jasmine from my chest, causing her to look at me.

King Laurent: "Baby, just tell me what you're talking about. How would you know if I believe you or not if you never tell me anything?" She bit her lip and worried the bottom one. Her sigh was heavy and she inhaled, her body trembling slightly. What had Jasmine so shook? I caressed her cheek and she placed her hand on mine, closing her eyes.

Jasmine: "Okay, before I tell you anything, I don't have proof Laurent, all I have is my word. Which is the reason why I wanted to wait for Curtis because he could back up what I say but it seems he just isn't around. So please, just don't think i kept any of this from you because I wanted to. It's just that, you were so smitten with Candice that I felt if I told you earlier, you would've just tossed me to the side and I would've been at her mercy even more." Her voice trembled with every word and I felt an slight restlessness rise in me.

King Laurent: "Okay, I can understand where you're coming from. I was an idiot for Candice and I overlooked a lot of the stupid and cruel shit she did but not anymore, so talk to me baby, what's up?" She took a deep breath and got up, pacing the room.

Jasmine: "Okay, I will start from the beginning. When I first got to the castle, the problems started. Candice and Melissa were starting with me and Kyanna every chance they got but i paid no mind cause I didn't want to be here, I was just trying to get to London. Well, after spending some time with you, I was starting to I don't know, enjoy being here but Candice didn't take that well. That's when the threats started. I did hit her and Melissa but only because Melissa threw her drink on Kyannas brand new dress and I hit Candice out of self defense. When I was in Dr. Leonas room, Candice paid me a visit before you and Larry got back for your visit to the Malooks. She had um, sh-she had said that she would hurt my brother and sister, showing me an envelope with all their information in it. She said if I didn't stay from you, she would have to take drastic measures and that's when I started distancing myself a little from you. I couldn't take the chance." Jasmine was crying again and she stuttered on some of the words. My eyes widened a bit and I felt sick.

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